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☆ 103. Chapter 69: The Disappearance of Clothes

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Chapter 69 The disappearance

of the clothes The bathroom room is next door to the master bedroom, and after Xie Tingyuan handed over the rest of the food to the two of them to solve, he returned to the master bedroom, sat at the table and looked at Lin Xingci's script that he didn't know where to turn it out.

Seeing that Lin Xingci didn't come out for so long, he knew that he was taking a bath in the bath, and when he saw that a pot was to be put in the bath room to boil water, he knew that Lin Xingci liked to take a bath.

Since he likes bathing like this, he should like hot springs, so I don't know if there will be a chance to take him to take a bath.

Time passed little by little, and the moon outside hung in the dark night sky.

Xie Tingyuan had already read half of the book in his hand, put down the book and raised his hand to rub his temples, and looked at the door.

It was almost half an hour, but Lin Xingci didn't come back.

Xie Tingyuan didn't hesitate, got up and prepared to go to the next bath to see, how long he had been soaking, even if there was a pot with hot water boiling at the same time, he couldn't resist soaking like this, if the water was cold, it would be bad if he was caught in the wind cold.

Coming to the door of the bathhouse, Xie Tingyuan raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Xingci? "

Quiet, no sound at all in the bath.

Xie Tingyuan frowned, and shouted twice: "Xingci, soaking for a long time is not good for your health." Still

didn't hear Lin Xingci's answer, this time Xie Tingyuan didn't hesitate, directly pushed open the door of the bath, and the heat rushed directly to his face.

Xie Tingyuan squinted his eyes and waited for the heat to dissipate for a while before walking in, and he didn't forget to bring the door after entering.

On the small table in the bath room, a candle was trying to emit light, and by the candlelight, Xie Tingyuan was looking for Lin Xingci's figure in the curling heat.

Then he saw Lin Xingci who had fallen asleep in the bathtub, his head leaning on the edge of the tub, half of his long hair scattered in the water and half on the outside of the tub.

Because of the heat, Lin Xingci's eyelashes were also hung with water droplets, the moles in the corners of his eyes were also shining in the candlelight, and the water in the bathtub was also refracting the candlelight.

Inexplicably, Xie Tingyuan felt that Lin Xingci, who was lying in the water like this, was unusually brittle.

Xie Tingyuan lowered his eyes and stepped forward to put his hand into the water.

The water was already almost cold, but fortunately he came, otherwise when the water was completely cold and Lin Xingci woke up, he would be 100% sick.

Xie Tingyuan stared at Lin Xingci in the bathtub for a long time, Xie Tingyuan bent down and fished out the slick person from the water, took Lin Xingci's clothes on the side and wrapped the person.

This series of actions was completed smoothly, and Xie Tingyuan's face did not change.

However, Lin Xingci trembled when he left the water, and unconsciously moved into Xie Tingyuan's arms.

Xie Tingyuan looked down at Lin Xing's subconscious movements, hooked the corners of his mouth in the dim candlelight, and left the bathroom with someone in his arms to go to the master bedroom.

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