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☆ 151. Chapter 93: It Seems Reliable

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Chapter 93 It seems that the

reliable Lin Xingci has already chatted with An Yu for a certain time, even if the money is not enough now, he can't stop here, and he still has to start when he should start.

When Lin Xingci sat in the carriage and went to the county, the whole person was depressed, and he didn't have the excitement and happiness of the first few times.

It's strange that Lin Xingci can be happy now, and when he buys some ingredients when he decorates, he will become penniless again, which doesn't feel wonderful at all.

Xie Tingyuan, who was sitting on the side, also knew what Lin Xingci was worried about, but the money he asked for hadn't arrived yet, and Bifeng said that Zaizhuye said in the letter that it was almost there, but unfortunately he still didn't give a definite time.

After Bi Feng said it, he followed Xie Tingyuan □□ the sight that wanted to drive him away, and he didn't want to stay at home today and came out with him, and now he and Feiquan were sitting outside to catch the car.

Xie Tingyuan looked at Lin Xingci, who was leaning against the window of the carriage and staring at the scenery passing by the window, and said, "Don't worry, the problem will be solved."

Lin Xingci gave some Tingyuan a little reaction, and nodded slightly: "Actually, I'm thinking about how to save a little bit and hold on until you 'sell' your body."

"Selling yourself? Xie Tingyuan raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xingci coughed quietly: "Contacting the family you don't like and letting them know where you are now, isn't it just selling yourself?" So

this betrayal is not another sale, after hearing this, Xie Tingyuan laughed uncontrollably.

For a while, the laughter of the two echoed in the carriage, which caused Bifeng to be extremely curious about what happened inside and what made the two Xiao Cheng like this.

Driven by curiosity, Bi Feng raised his hand and bumped Feiquan's arm: "What did you say the master and the owner were talking about inside, so happy."

Feiquan looked at the road in front of him without squinting, and the stiff rope in his hand did not loosen: "If you are curious, go in and take a look for yourself." "

Forget it, I'm not going to look for death. Bi Feng shook his shoulders, he didn't know if Xie Tingyuan was dissatisfied with his efficiency, so he didn't go to make up this bad head, or stay here honestly.

On the other side of the road, Takeno frowned as he looked at the prostrated horse, because he didn't go to the serious official road in a hurry, but chose to take the small road.

The time taken to walk the trail is much shorter than that of the official road, but there is no inn or other rest place on the road, so he can only eat the dry food he brings, and the horse also eats the grass on the side of the road.

I don't know what the horse ate at night.,It's only been running for two hours before it dies.,No matter how Takeno hits, he doesn't run.,I've been impatiently carrying Takeno in circles.。

There was no way for Takeno to come down, and the moment he came down, the horse ran to the side to, and the horse didn't move, flicking his tail on the edge of the tree, no matter how Takeno rushed, he didn't respond.

This horse was raised by Takeno from childhood to adulthood, and this horse also seems to have spirituality, only recognize him and Xie Tingyuan, no matter how far it runs, it will find its way home, let Takeno leave it here, and Takeno is reluctant to do so.

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