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The wind rushed through my hair as i ran along the wide tree branches that were covered in bright green moss.

I stopped running when i noticed kiri was no longer running along side me. "kiri! tuktirey!"my voice cracked from how loud i yelled.

My hands gripped the branch as i peered over the edge to try and find my friends. The vibrant grass swayed as a gust of wind blew through the forest.

"she might be doing that thing again" spider said as he crouched down next to me.

i ran my four fingers through my hair while searching the area, lo'ak snickered "yeah she swears she can feel eywa" i stood up and began walking again. Small drops of rain began to roll down my body as it began to lightly rain.

"uh yeah she actually can so don't be a dick" spider argued. it was so adorable how he'd always stick up for kiri, he swore it was because they were best friends. But we all knew the real reason as to why he got so defensive about her.

My ears twitched at the sound of twigs snapping beneath the tree stump we stood on. Spiders face scrunched up when he seen that i stopped walking again. "hazel, what is it dude?" he questioned. i held my hand up "oh my god shut up" i hissed.

"let's split up to go find kiri and tuk okay? we'll meet right here after" spider pointed to the spot in front of us before taking off. i stood back and watched his small, tan human body dissapear into thin air. Lo'ak shrugged before taking off as well.

without another thought i jumped off of the tree stump and grabbed onto a few leaves as i made my way down to the forest floor. The ginormous, smooth green leaves were a bit slippery from the drops of rain that rested on them.

Once my feet hit the wet soil i crawled over to a tree so that i could hide behind just in case there were any unwanted guests.

My hands had soil stuck to them so i quickly wiped them onto my thighs before standing up and looking around. "where the heck is this girl?" i whispered to myself as i began scouring the forest.

The howling wind filled my ears as i eagerly searched for kiri, if i lost her then jake would skin me alive

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The howling wind filled my ears as i eagerly searched for kiri, if i lost her then jake would skin me alive. i gasped when i seen a group of beautiful, orange spiral like plants. "loreyu! these things were so huge when i was human" i talked to myself like a total nut job, but who cares right?

A loud noise caused me to jump, i quickly turned around but calmed down when i seen it was all of my friends.

"tuk tuk are you okay?" i softly whispered to tuktirey while opening my arms. she skipped over to me and tightly hugged my leg, "lo'ak is being mean" she whined.

I shot lo'ak a quick glare before focusing back on tuktirey. "he's just mad that you're the life of the party so ignore him" i whispered.

Tuks large yellow eyes widened showing her excitement.

"bro let's take tuk home she's too slow" lo'ak sighed loudly grabbing everyone's attention.

Kiri smacked the back of his head earning a hiss from him. "stop being mean to her" kiri scolded her brother while nodding her head towards the direction we were supposed to be going.

i looked down and saw tuk sticking her tongue out at lo'ak, a small chuckle left my mouth from the look of sheer annoyance on lo'aks face.

His face turned cold before he lazily started following kiri. i skipped over to him before tapping his deep blue shoulder, "bro where's neteyam, is he like training today or something?" i mumbled ignoring my hand brushing against lo'aks.

Lo'ak shook his head, "dude you know he's a total ass kisser so you already know where he is"  he shrugged before elbowing spider, "bro what's that up in the tree?" lo'ak pointed to a old, rusty plane that was tangled in a few vines.

i softly punched lo'aks shoulder before shouting, "guys come on let's check it out!"

we all climbed the short tree before making our way inside the plane. i crawled towards the front and noticed a few dirt covered safety guide pamphlets, "i guess they didn't read this hmm?" i murmured.

Everyone obnoxiously laughed causing me to smile to myself. "are there any bones up there!" tuk shouted. Everyone ignored her silly question and continued searching the aircraft.

Lo'ak tapped my shoulder signaling for me to follow him, "bro come on" he groaned while crawling toward the front of the plane.

i rolled my eyes before following him. A small gasp left my mouth when i seen a human skeleton sitting in the passenger seat. "no wonder it smells like shit in here" i gagged.

"aww that looks so sick!" spider murmured in awe while looking through the broken window of the plane.

My arm snaked around lo'aks shoulder as we stared at the human remains. "does it hurt when i do this?" lo'ak asked while wiggling the bow that was plunged through the skeletons chest bone.

Spider shook his head "mature" he sighed while staring at the bones. i noticed a saddened look in his eyes but i didn't dare bother him about it.

Lo'ak smacked the window before turning to look at tuk, i followed his gaze and bursted into laughter at the grimace on tuktireys face. "ew gross" she whispered before climbing out of the plane.

i turned to look at lo'ak for a brief second, "can we go check out the place where your mom killed my dad?" i mumbled. Lo'aks ears lowered, "hazel are you sure you want to go there?" he asked.

The video of my dads last moments flashed through my
mind as i contemplated on whether or not to go. "dude stop" i rasped before climbing out of the plane.

"stop what?" lo'ak questioned. i wrapped my arms around my body as i began walking away from the group.

The feeling of a warm hand on my shoulder caused me to turn around, "we can go check it out but after we bring tuk home"  he mumbled. My eyes flicked up at his thick eyebrows before looking over at a random tree. "you're right, it's too scary for her to see" i admitted

We all made our way towards home-tree before saying goodbye and parting ways.

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