𝓉𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓇🌿

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The bioluminescent forest emitted vibrant colors as many young omaticyan na'vi stood in the spot that the tsahik had chosen for them. Mo'at made sure to scatter them well so that the venomous concoction would have time to take over their bodies.

Hazels heart nearly leapt out of her chest when she seen mo'at appear from out of thin air, the tsahik held the wooden cup that was carved from the sacred tree up to the girls lips, "drink child" mo'at ordered.

lafyon tse'atswo was a drink for the soul hunt. It blurred out everyone that eywa has not chosen for the na'vi that consumed it, for the great mother would only allow them to see who she has planted the seed of eternal love in.

Hazel took a decent swig of the drink before using the back of her hand to wipe the slimy residue off of her lips.

Just as she was about to say thank you, she realized mo'at was no longer in her presence.

Mo'ats voice echoed through the forest "may eywa guide you all! the soul hunt has now begun!"

Hazel rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands before making her way through the forest, She heard a few voices but failed to see anyone so she kept walking.

Just as she was about to move a large leaf out of her way she felt like she was being watched. The girl took a deep breath before quickly turning around. Once she realized no one was there she let out a sigh of relief.

She continued to stroll through the forest until she heard leaves crunching, hazel quickly spun around and began scanning the area with her eyes.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she seen a boy staring her down, before he could say anything hazel took off running through the forest

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Her breath hitched in her throat when she seen a boy staring her down, before he could say anything hazel took off running through the forest.

She wouldn't allow herself to be mated because she still wasn't over neteyam, and she knew it wouldn't be fair to her life partner.

Hazel panted heavily as she scurried behind a decent sized bush. Once she felt like she was hidden good enough she closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

Not even a few seconds later she found herself pinned against the forest floor, her eyes shot open allowing her to see the guy from earlier. She couldn't quite grasp who he was due to them having to wear black face paint. The boy didn't dare hesitate to place desperate kisses along her collar bone.

Hazel let out a shaky breath as tingles coursed through her spirit. The girl bit down on her tongue as he nuzzled his face against her skin. Something about this felt right to her, even though she didn't want it to be.

His hands began exploring hazels body causing the girl to softly moan, she peered up at the boy who was smirking at her reaction. Her face burned as embarrassment washed over her, before she could get too caught up in her thoughts the random boy crashed his lips against hers.

Their warm breaths mixed together as they both began to breathe heavily, the boy tilted his head and slowly slid his tongue into her mouth.

Hazels eyes rolled back as his tongue began to swirl around hers, She began to grow impatient due to how slow he was taking things so she began to grind herself against his rock hard member.

The boy groaned as a burning hunger rushed through his body, he knew this girl was going to drive him crazy for the rest of his life, but to him that was the prize. As much as he wanted to take things further he wanted this moment to be much more special between the two of them.

He pulled away and lowered his lips until they grazed her ear, "as much as i'm enjoying this my parents raised me to be a gentleman so i want to do this the proper way"

Hazels eyes widened when she recognized the voice, "neteyam?"  she spluttered in shock.

The boy backed away a little before speaking "hazel?" neteyam murmured as he tried to register was just happened between the two of them.

The great mother has chosen hazel to be neteyams mate, but could this have been a mistake? In what world could the clans jinx be destined to be with the clans most favored member.

Hazels fingertips lightly brushed over her lips as she processed everything, "so mo'at was wrong?" she muttered under her breath before standing up and pushing past the sully boy.

Neteyam grabbed her arm forcing her to face him, "you're not rolling out of here hazel, we need to talk" the boy firmly stated while burning holes into the girls glossy orbs.

Hazel was weak in the knees for neteyam, and the boy knew that.

"get off of me tey" hazel peeled her eyes away from his and began looking around the forest.

Neteyams braids swung wildly as he shook his head, "no, no we need to talk about this" he ordered.

Fresh tears glistened in the girls eyes as she tilted her head up to look at the boy, "you ignored me for months and expect me to talk to you?" hazel whispered.

His shoulders dropped once he realized how hurt hazel was by his actions, "im here now okay? that's all that matters. right?"  neteyam murmured.

Tears began rolling down hazels cheeks as she slowly shook her head, "do you even love me?" she quietly asked before grabbing a hold of his index finger. "tell me the truth" she added while rocking back and forth on her heels.

Neteyam closed his eyes before letting out a defeated sigh, "i care about you" he mumbled before reopening his eyes.

Hazel would be lying if she said she didn't hear her heart crack, "i said" she let out a shaky breath before finishing her sentence. "do..you..love..me?"  she then raised her brow while patiently waiting for him to answer.

The eldest sully boy backed away from the girl and ran both of his large blue hands across his face.

That was when hazel knew what his answer was, she didn't bother drying her eyes anymore. "you want to be like your dad, but you are JUST like your mother." hazel choked out before fully breaking down.

Neteyam shook his head as tears began to blur his vision, "baby" was the only thing he managed to say. But it was too late for him to try and redeem himself. The frown on hazels face showed that this was the last straw.

"goodbye neteyam" hazel whispered before disappearing into the distance.

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