Chapter 12

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"I wasn't sure how to answer to you."

That's the first sentence of the letter I got today.

I can't help but continue reading.

"I wasn't sure how to answer to you, for I feel the same way."

Cue the gasp.

"I know damn well what it means to live two lives. At home, my parents expect me to keep the company running. To be the next heir. I am an only child and our company has been in our possession for generations. Who am I to tell them I have no intention in doing that, but that I want to play soccer more? They would never accept.

Mistake is what I fear most too.

And I also dream of running away.

Yet I have one person that keeps me sane. Keeps me here. Not my sibling. My best friend. I don't know what I would do without her.

Look, I don't care if this might not be the purpose of this program, but if you want to talk about anything, you can talk to me. I've known for so long how it feels like to have no one who is there for you. No shoulder to cry on.

You want to laugh, we laugh. You want us to cry, we cry.

Whatever works best for you."

Tears wet the smile tugging on my lips.

The first thing I do is take a pen and start writing.

"I am glad you have found a best friend. You seem a nice person, who really didn't deserve to go through that sort of pain. Well, no one deserves to go through that sort of pain."

"Whatcha doing?", I can hear a familiar voice ask. I turn around and see Ashton, standing in nothing but his leather jacket and a pair of sweatpants. His nose is what I am focused most on. It's red. And bruised.

I leave the letter and walk over to the bed, making him a sign to join me. He rolls his eyes yet does as told, sitting in front of me. I go with my fingers along his nose, and even though he tries to act though and unreachable, he tenses from pain.

"What happened?", I ask.

"Winthrope", he hisses.

"As in Lukas Winthrope?", I can't help but ask. The guy doesn't seem to be Rocky if you'd ask me.

"Yeah, him."

"Did you say something about Father or...?", I can't help but ask. Because apart from the rivalry between our families and the fact they are both captains, Ash and Lukas don't really have that much in common.

"Not everything is about him", he mutters and stands up.

He seems extra-pissed today. Like we'd go from Damon on a regular day to Damon without Elena level of pissed.

"Okay, sorry", I mumble.

He walks over to my desk where he discovers the letters. A smirk appears on his lips. "Your pen pal?", he asks.

I nod. "He seems nice."

A chuckle escapes him. "Oh, my pen pal hates me."

Why the heck does he seem so at ease with that idea?

"Wasn't the purpose of this program to bond?"

"Oh, we will for sure be doing that", he replies, still not changing his weird-ass creepy stalker mood.

"But she hates you", I remind him.

It's then he turns around to look at me once more. "There's a very thin line between hate and love, Mads. All it takes is a small push in the right direction."

I can't help but raise an eyebrow. "Have you ever considered therapy?"

He winks at me as he leaves the room. "Bye, Maddie."

Saying a small prayer for his well-being inside my head, I go back to the table to continue working on my letter.

"Yesterday, I saw this video of the most beautiful places on Earth. And I know I might not be the hiker girl type, but it made me want to try. To go out. See the world. And nature.

If you could travel anywhere on Earth, where would you go?

Yours, Daisy

p.s. I figured we might need some ways to address each other, so nicknames might do the trick."

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