Chapter 41

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"Ashton, you're here", Maddie says a bit alarmed, coming next to Mya's car as soon as she parked. When we stopped at the Italian place earlier, we also changed our clothes to look more fancy. Mya looks so fucking gorgeous in the outfit she chose. Truth is, she also looks fucking gorgeous.

Mya quickly hops out off the car and comes at my side, giving a quick hug to Maddie first. My sister smiles a bit, then goes back to panic mode.

"Father and Sloane will be here any second, they texted me to wait for them here", she says. She then looks over at Mya. "Your parents are here, they're waiting in front of the car."

Mya looks at me, silently asking me if I'll be okay. I nod, assuring her it will be fine. She smiles at me then lifts herself on her toes to give me a soft kiss. I catch her before she can go away and kiss her again, a bit more passionate this time. She chuckles before she lets go and waves at us, making her way to a car. I see the Cunnans, they have a similar car to Mya's, only a bit bigger. Her mother has her in a hug and kisses her cheek, then wiping the kissmarks from her cheek. Mrs. Cunnan is wearing a blue shirt with some white pants, a brown belt at her waist and some heels. Mr. Cunnan presses his lips on the top of Mya's head. He is in a tux that screams Ralph Lauren. Mya looks at me one last time before she enters with her family through the doors.

"How was your day?", Maddie asks me, a smile appearing on her lips.

I have to smile too thinking back on the time with Mya. "Perfect."

"Mine too", she whispers. Her lips are swollen, clearly meaning she wasn't hanging out with friends. Yet since it's her birthday, I save a lecture for another day.

As choreographed, Father's car rolls in the parking lot. Maddie and I exchange a look, then put on the choreographed faces. Me the one that doesn't give a fuck. Her a polite fake smile.

We should get an Oscar. Actors get Oscars for their performance during an hour or two. We have eighteen years of fake smiles and lied I love yous on our resume.

Father steps out first, then Sloane. They analyse our looks, and nod approving. I see Maddie changed too in an outfit that will pass the test. A white dress with some heels and a bow in her hair. The outfit Mya prepared for me also seems to be just perfect.

Father comes to us and has us in his best attempt of a hug. I know he did it most for the people watching. He would never hug us.

As he lets go, Sloane does the same. This hug feels even colder. She must have been as happy about it, since this hug ends even quicker as the one from Father, if that would even be possible.

"We're going out tonight. To Reeche's. After the day ends", he announces. It ain't an invite. It is an order.

We nod, since we don't even have much choice anyway. And Reeche's okay. It is the closest Michelin restaurant to the school. That's where parents usually go after Family Day to make business with each other. I'm actually surprised he used our birthday as reason.

Before we know, someone pushes us from the back to walk. I take a step to the side, not wanting that. We enter inside as a formation.

There is a member of the students council who greets us, offering us a flyer of the school and a paper with a schedule. There is an opening in the lecture room, but we're already too late for that. Up next is the Clubs' Promenade, in which each club has a stand on the hallway and they present their activities. I'd much rather not go there, heck I'd much rather not be here at all, I'd much rather find Mya and lock ourselves in the bathroom, yet Maddie already takes my hand and we follow our parents on the hallway. We pass the Winthropes on the way, our parents sharing a death stare, and continue walking. Father stops from time to time as he recognizes business partners or people he'd like to have as partners.

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