Chapter 18

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"I'm back", I say as I enter through the house door. I just won myself a round of Delance family drama. Lucky me.

"Was about time", Ash mutters, coming to me. He scans my outfit and raises an eyebrow. I expect him to yell at me, but he smirks, saying: "Glad you took my advice. So, how was it?"

"I'm not discussing makeout details with you", I cut him short. We might share the same DNA but I'm not going to share with him how many times I moan in bed.

"Fair enough", he answers, taking a sip of the glass with gin in his hand. I didn't even notice it until now. But guess I didn't notice it because it's so often he does it, so it became like a part of him.

That thought sends a round of chills through me. And I take the glass out of his hands, emptying the content on the deco gold stones in a bowl we have in the hallway. Don't ask me why, I did not design this house. If it were after me, I'd have a hallway with a white doorframe filled with marker lines of how much the children grew over the years and framed pictures on the walls. But I guess you can't have that when you have no memories to frame.

"I hate you", he mutters.

I turn around to him with a smirk. Before he can add anything else, I get serious and ask: "So, do we meanwhile now who's test it is?"

"Sloane is at it with Father upstairs", Ash fills me in. "She keeps saying it's not hers, but who knows."

"Madame", Serafine says, my maid, grabbing my hand.

Ashton looks confused. So am I, but I don't show it. Father insists Ash and I each have a personal maid, yet my brother and I don't agree, so we basically never give them any tasks.

"Yes, Serafine", I say, trying not to show the concern in my voice.

"The test...", she whispers, her voice breaking.

Ashton gets interested as well in our conversation.

"Deep breaths, Serafine. It's all okay", I try to calm her down, for she's shaking with her whole body.

"The test is mine", she says.

Fucking plot twist.


"I'm not paying you to check whether you're pregnant or not at work", Father yells at Serafine. She's sitted on the couch in our living room, he's pacing in front of her. Sloane is standing behind him, seeming as annoyed. Ashton and I are on some armchairs somewhere in a corner, listening but not actively taking part at the fight. We both know better than to interfere.

"I'm sorry, Monsieur Delance", she says. "I felt bad in the morning and wanted to check, so I asked Barry to get some tests. I am sorry. It will never happen again."

"Of course it won't", Father tries his best attempt at a reassuring tone. I already know what's coming. You're a failure, Madeline. I didn't raise you to embarrass us. You know that dreams are crushable, and so are you.

"You're fired", he says what both Ash and I were expecting, judging the look on his face.

"But, Monsieur", Serafine shouts, tears rolling from her eyes. "Please. This job is my life."

"Not anymore. Die or get a new one."

"Father", I find myself shouting.

"Madeline, be quiet", he hisses.

"Father, it's not fair", I try again. For once, I am not going to be stopped. For once, I'll speak my own thoughts. For once, I stand up and go over to him, saying: "You can't fire her just because she's pregnant. It isn't fair. Please, Father."

I don't recall the past few seconds. A palm touches my face, then the impact, then the shattered breath from the realization of what just happened. He slapped me. "Madeline, I said be quiet. Go to your room."

"NO", I yell.

"Now", he almost yells.

I can feel someone coming next to me, placing themselves between Father and me. "Be careful how you speak to her", Ash hisses, his tone pointing at nothing but broken bones and six feet underground. He then looks at me, his eyes getting a bit warmer as he says: "Come, Mads. Let's get you upstairs."

He places his hand on my back for support. I am on the staircase as I hear Serafine shout at my Father: "You have always been cruel to Maddie. Even as a little girl. You're failing to see what a wonder she is. What a blessing. But you don't care, do you? Were it not for her pretty eyes, hair and body, she would be a nothing to you. She would..."

I don't know what happened next for Ash carries me inside his room. I realize I don't often step inside here. His room is different than many would picture it. You would picture all grey walls but they're blue. And not a very dark blue, but blue. They used to be black, but for some years now, they have been blue. The ground is black, obviously, and it is covered with random stuff. Soccer balls, books he threw when having a breakdown... However, mostly soccer stuff. There's a painting on one of the walls, one looking very similar to a girl, but not recognizable, since it's very blurry. I only recognize some brown hair and blue eyes. A hidden cabinet for alcohol, some stashes of cigarettes and that's it...

He walks to one of his drawers and pulls out a package of M&M's. I look at him surprised, knowing it is my favorite sweetie ever.

"He's an asshole", he says, handing me the package. I silently thank him with my eyes and open it, really craving some happiness now. "He should have never gone this far."

"I can't believe he slapped me", I say, tears rolling down my face.

Ash cups my face in his palms and kisses my forehead. "His punches are worse."

Why do I feel like his talking from experience?

"He's never going to touch you again, Maddie", he whispers to me. "He will never hurt you again. I promise. I'll make sure of it."

I meet his gaze and he nods. Then repeats: "Never."

I sink my face on his shoulder and start crying. He wraps his arms around me and lets it happen, kissing the top of my head.

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