Chapter 13

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I have a stalker.

There is no denying it anymore.

Not when I open the envelope to my letter, and find a bunch of photos from different months of me wearing outfits of my favorite color, than a note saying: "Blue looks good on you."

I am highly considering my pen pal is a psycho. I know he is a stalker.

"Ms. Green?", I walk over to her at the end of class.

"Yes, Miss Cunnan", she answers. She is wiping the board, the table of pros and cons of starstruck lovers she made earlier.

"Would it be possible for me to change my pen pal?"

That has her stopping and looking at me.

"Mya, I'm afraid not."

"But, Ms. Green..."

"Mya, look, I understand this project might be complicated, but as I know you, I know you're always up for a challenge."

I almost lose it. Forget that, I lose it. "A challenge? Yes. A creepy-ass guy who randomly sends me letters about craving me? No, thank you."

"Miss Cunnan", she tones.

"Alright, I am sorry for my choice of words. But it is still true. The lovely gentleman I call my pen pal is using questionable methods to assure we're going to eventually find a way to bond."

Her face expression goes a bit more relaxed. "Did he threaten your life?"


"Did he threaten your family's life?"


"Then, I am sorry, but we can't change your partner."

Deep breaths, Mya.

"Okay, so just if he physically threatens me counts? If he gives me nightmares and makes me double check twice if people are staring doesn't?"

"That would be correct."

Deep. Breaths.

"What if I quit? What if I just stop writing letters?"

"Then, you can't receive full credits for this class."

Deep. Fucking. Breaths.

"That's not fair", I whisper, feeling how my breath gets stuck in my throat.

"Mya, you're one of my best students. You have a perfect GPA and I am sure your future will lead you exactly where you want."


She doesn't have to say it for me to know that's what she's thinking about.

Great way to emotional blackmail me.

"I'm sure you can make this work", she ends.

Keep calm and carry on.

"I am sure I will", I respond.

I take my bag and leave without a second look.

For "You have to make it on your own" never felt so real.

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