Extended Epilogue

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"We'll proceed with the order as discussed", Mya says firm, talking on the phone as she enters the lounge. I smile at her, sipping from my coffee as I cuddle deeper inside the seat. 

Club seating has something, I'll give you that.

Mya makes me a sign to wait one second, while she continues to argue on the phone. I take my time, snapping a quick selfie and some pictures I'll later post on my social media. Life as an influencer. Love the shit out of it, but you always have to be active. Take pictures. I can't complain, however. It's what I love.

As I'm done, I place the phone back in my bag, looking at the stadium. There are a bunch of people fussing on the field, busying themselves with getting ready. It's not every day there is a Champions League finale. I can see the color of my brother's team and have to smile. Ash has always wanted to play for one of the big leagues. Look at him now, one step away from Champion. I'd be lying if I'd say I am not damn proud of him.

Truth is, when I think about us now, I have to smile. We're both living the life of our dreams, one that we never thought we'd achieve. We have both found a passion and do it every day at our job. But most importantly, we have both got the family we always wanted.

"Yes, I know", I can hear Mya say, and I know that's her sign she'll end the call soon. "No, I know, but I'll have to call you back later. I'm a bit busy right now."

Something muffled on the phone, then a chuckle. "No, I'm not in the hospital", again my best friend. "When I'll be, you'll be the first to know."

I raise an eyebrow at her to show her that I thought I got that privilege, to which she only rolls her eyes exhausted, silently saying she only said that to end the call sooner.

"Yeah, okay. Thank you so much. Yeah, you too. Have a great day. Bye", the last word she almost says, for the dialer adds one more thing. Mya chuckles now, a smile on her face as she turns to look at the field. "But of course. I'm sure he'll win...Yeah, thank you...Bye."

She sighs exhausted as she hangs up, sinking in one of the chairs. I look at her, my mouth twitched, knowing I'm about to start one of the touchy subjects.

"You really should work less. The baby will arrive in a few months. I know how exhausted I was during the pregnancy", I tell her.

Mya scoffs, placing her hands on her baby bump. "I know. But I can't stop working. I love it, and besides, it keeps me busy. What am I supposed to do all the time? Stare at walls and think about colors?"

I let out a chuckle. My bestie really can't sit still. Especially since she became CEO of Atlas Enterprises. She really loves what she's doing, and she's also damn good at it. The company was already huge, but Mya opened a second headquarters for it in Paris, covering all European affairs, her father taking care of the one in New York. Ash also had to move here since he moved to a soccer club in Paris, who offered him a contract so good, I still remember the day he came and told us the news. Moving was hard, especially since they both loved Boston, but looking back at it, I think they would agree it was worth it. They both love Paris and got themselves an amazing house here. And as it looks right now, the club Ash plays for seems to like him a lot, so do the fans, so I guess he'll be here for a while.

"I used to read a lot", I try helping her. "You know, or mama yoga? That was also fun."

Mya seems to think about it. She then says: "Maybe I could try that. The yoga actually sounds fun. But only if you're doing it with me. And we get to cook some pasta afterwards."

I don't have to think about it to nod. I travel as often as I can from the States to Paris to see them. But of course, it's hard, giving the fact I have kids of my own and can't miss so much. We're on holiday now, since Lukas managed to get free from work. It's Summer break at Yale and he's not teaching until September, so we're in Paris until then. Honestly, we're loving it. We have made a bunch of short trips, even went to Disneyland for a few days. Esme was so happy as she saw the princesses. We've watched the movies at home, and rewatched them a few times since we came here, and she is a really big fan. She even dances every time the princess dances with the prince.

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