Chapter 14

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"Lukas, what great of you to join us", my parents say. I nod, for there is no way I wouldn't be joining them. Especially with Grandma here.

"My beautiful boy", she says from the armchair she's sitting on, making me a sign to come next to her. A real smile grows on my lips as I do. She wraps an arm around me and has me in a hug. As she lets go, she smirks. "Do you want to leave all the Venier girls on their knees, or what?"

I chuckle, winking back. "Only Mya."

Grandma nods understanding, and I help her stand up to walk with me to the table. 

"The turkey is ready", my Mom says, bringing the trey with the said turkey. "I hope you'll enjoy it, I did it myself."

I almost choke on a laughter remembering the catering truck that left thirty minutes ago.

We all take a seat, Grandma next to me, my parents sitting opposite each other at the ends of the table. Welcome to a usual Winthrope family dinner.

"So, Gran, what brings you in town?", I ask her. Grandma used to live with us, since our house is big enough for all, but moved out in a countryside residence a few months ago. She said she needed fresh air, but I think the real reason was that she had enough of my parents' bullshit.

Who couldn't relate.

"Business", she answers mysterious. She's the one who taught me never to reveal too much. Keep that element of mystery alive.

"Helena, do try the turkey", Mom insists.

Grandma has to give up and cuts herself a slice of the turkey. Mom follows her, so I do too.

"He looks rather handsome, doesn't he?", Mom continues to ask her, pretending to have given any care in my upbringing.

Grandma, the one who has actually been the one to make sure I have a good education and the one who taught me manners and everything I need to know about style, nods. "He's perfect."

I have to fight the tear to stay inside. I wouldn't cry in front anyone. That was the one topic Grandma and I could never agree on. She said showing feelings is normal. I would never.

"And he has done so much progress this year", Mom continues.

"Ready to take over the company one day", Dad adds.

The grip on my knife tightens. "Can't wait", I reply polite.

"I'm sure", Grandma mutters. She knows I have zero intention of...

"Helena, don't you dare bring these ideas into him", Dad is quick to say. His tone is strong and cold and showing he is the man of the house, when we all know damn well he will become that just after Grandma dies and leaves him the house in her will. "What else do you expect him to do? Push a ball around a field."

"Kick", I mutter under my breath.

Dad offers me a death stare.

"I can't wait to fight against innocent people, Daddy", I repeat the phrase I have used as excuse for years.

He looks proud. "That's my son."

The screen of my phone lights up with a text.

MYA: Hey, how's the dinner going?

MYA: If you need reinforcements, just let me know. Send me a message if I should come. I even have my good Chanel on.

How can you not love that girl?

ME: As much as that would save my ass, I couldn't do that to you.

MYA: Oh come on, you know I love your family.

I have to raise an eyebrow, which in return makes my Dad stare at me weirdly.

ME: That makes one of us.

MYA: I'm on my way.

I can't help but smile to myself.

"Mom, Dad, would it be okay for Mya to join?"

The two share a look and nod pleased. My parents love her. But not because she's her, but because she's Adam Cunnan's daughter. The well-known CEO of Atlas Enterprises, the biggest security company in the world. They imagine that if the two of us get married, then they will have a flourishing partnership with his company.

What they don't know is that named Adam Cunnan doesn't quite like them. And said Adam Cunnan knows Mya and I are only together for show. However, him and his wife let me spend the Summer with them and have the first holiday filled with joy and the feeling of being part of a family that I have ever had.

"Of course, we'd love it, honey. Mya is one of us", Mom responds for the both of them.

She's not, I almost say. She really isn't. 

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