Chapter 45

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"Hello, students", our principal tells us as we're all sitting in the lecture room. The room is filled with senior students, all classes sitting in different rows. I'm next to some girls in my class, since I usually always sat next to Becca. But Becca still hasn't answered to my texts in a while. Wait, she did. And told me she thinks we should stop talking, for I only remind her of everything she lost. She blocked my number afterwards. Which is why we stopped talking.

I search for Ash with my gaze and meet his eyes. He was already staring. I offer him a small smile, then return my gaze to the lecture going on.

"I believe you all must be asking yourselves why we are here today. The answer to that is your future."

Okay, not frightening at all.

"Thanks to Miss Hannaway, chief of college counsellors, we managed to achieve one thing this year, that has never happened before", the principal says proud. I search for my college counsellor, who happens to be Miss Hannaway, and she nods at me as our eyes meet. The principal continues: "This year, each of the Ivy League colleges offer two spots for Venier Private High School students. A panel of juries sent from the colleges will select one girl and one boy to attend their classes starting September."

What?!  Sixteen people come on stage, each wearing different badges. "Each college sent two members of the board to decide the students that will get the chance to study at their institution starting next year. If you meet their expectations, the juries will speak to your college counsellor, which will come in contact with you. Each pair of juries can choose five candidates to take to a week of interviews at their college. After the juries' stay for two weeks in which they analyse and observe you here at Venier, in case you'll be selected, you'll go starting 12th to 18th of February at their college. All expenses of transport ad accommodation are covered by us. In case multiple colleges select you, your personal college counsellor will present you the options and you'll be able to choose only one college. Once you chose the college you'd like to interview at, you can't spend the week at another college. If your dream college doesn't accept you, you can either try applying like the other students or try at a different college with an application letter and the normal procedure."

The principal looks around once. "Any questions?"

Silence. It's then he offers us an encouraging smile and says: "I wish you all the best of luck."



I keep searching for Mya, but she's nowhere to be found. I try the school library, she isn't there. That's where she usually spends the lunch break nowadays. I try the canteen, but only Maddie is there, and she also has no idea where Mya is. She is writing an English test in a bit though, so I let her study, telling her I got this. I also try Mya's classroom, nothing but a bunch of girls that seem to be her classmates chilling there. One of them noticed me back and hits another one softly, to point me out to her. They are soon all staring at me.

"Are you lost, Ashton?", one of them asks, her voice trying to be seductive. "I can fix that."

"I'm searching for my girlfriend", I reply cold. 

She stands up, and comes closer, running a hand down my chest, that is thankfully covered in the school's shirt. I slide a step, so that she doesn't touch me anymore. That's only reserved for my girlfriend.

"Where is she?", I hiss.

I have a feeling they know.

"What would you rate me out of ten?", another one insists.

"I don't rate", I cut her short. "Where is Mya?"

"What would you rate her out of ten?", she continues, jealousy hidden in her voice.

"Mya doesn't need a scale. She broke the scale with how fucking gorgeous she is", I answer. "Now, where is she?"

Must be the dangerous note my voice had, or the coldness, since they answer. "Toilet, last time we checked. She's been there for a while now. Who knows, maybe she's teasing herself thinking of another."

"I hope you rot in hell", I tell them walking out of the classroom. I hear the shocked gasps, but I don't mind, rushing to the first girls bathroom I see.

I knock, and since I get no reply, I barge inside. There is one girl making up in the mirror, who gasps as she sees me.

"Mya", I shout, not minding the one staring.

I hear some gasps, then some breaths, then the sound of sniffles.

It's Mya, I'd recognize her anywhere.

And she's crying.

I knock on the only locked door and start shouting worried: "Sweetheart. It's me. Open up."

"Ash?", a shaky voice from behind the door.

I nod, although she can't see me. "Yes, sweetheart. Now please open the door so I can see you."

She doesn't seem so happy to open the door. Her makeup is ruined, tears still rolling down her face. Her eyes are red, and she can't stop shivering.

The girl with the makeup laughs at the view.

I turn to her and offer her a death stare. "I'll give you hundred bucks to get lost and leave me all your makeup bag."

She looks at me surprised. I make a counter offer then. "Hundred bucks and the guarantee you'll live."

She doesn't comment as she snatches the money and storms out of the bathroom, leaving me her bag with all the makeup. I make sure to lock the fucking door behind her.

Then, I hurry back to my girlfriend and wrap my hands around her. "What's wrong, sweetheart?", I ask her, my voice getting about a thousand tones warmer. It always happens when I talk to her.

Mya sinks her head in my shirt and I don't mind that it will be wet and covered in makeup. I need her to smile. That's all I need.

"What if I'm not enough?", she asks, her voice interrupted by hiccups. "What if Harvard won't like me?"

"They'll love you", I assure her. "I know they will."

"But what if they don't?", she continues.

"In that highly unlikely scenario, then we'll search another college and you'll get in."

She cries harder. Fuck me.

"Mya, sweetheart, you're perfect. You really are. And I'm sure they'll love you. Just wait. You'll be amazing. I know it."

She looks up at me. I nod. "I promise, sweetheart. Everything will be okay?"

"What will you do?", she asks me.

I still.

Tell her, Ashton.

Tell her you're fucked up.

Tell her what Father did.

"I'll be alright", I decide instead.

She smiles and lifts herself up on her toes to kiss me. And my world is back alright for a while.

"Come, let's get you cleaned up", I offer. I pick up the other girl's makeup bag, and search for something. I notice Mya's hand is still shivering and after watching Maddie do this thousands of times, I decide to do it myself. I find some cleansing and some pads so I first pick Mya up and gently place her on the sink counter, then start cleaning her ruined makeup. She tries to take the pad from my hands and do it herself, but she's really not okay. I give her a smoothening kiss and continue to gently wipe the makeup off her face. When I'm done, I start putting some foundation on, then blush, highlights and some mascara. I notice only the mascara was over 100 dollars, so I must have really scared the girl if she accepted the deal.

Anything for my sweetheart.

My sweetheart, who looks at me like I put up the stars in the sky right now.

"I love you", she whispers as she meets my gaze.

I love her too. Only I am afraid the thing between us won't last any longer, as soon as she finds out what happened.

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