Chapter 59

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"Would you like some more tea?", Mya's Mom asks me. I look at her and shake my head thankfully. She nods, stands up from the couch however taking all our cups and goes to the kitchen. There are a bunch of people at her place right now. Me, Lukas, who has an arm wrapped around me, me cuddling closer to him on the couch.

"We'll be alright", he keeps telling me, although my body is full of bruises and he himself has got a black eye. Both of us don't have a place to call home anymore. Both of us were kicked out from our families. I got a text from my Father that I should never return home for I'm too much of a disgrace, and that I can say goodbye to his will. I don't really care. I never wanted his money anyway. Lukas has been taken out of his will too. He cares as much about it. What actually pains us are the memories that will forever stay.

Mya is with us, her head is tilted on the shoulder of one of her aunts. I wouldn't have believed her if she told me her aunt is Princess Sofia of Cordelia, but said princess is now sitting on the couch with us, in a cozy white sweater and some leggings. She kisses Mya's head from time to time, to give her power. Her Royal Highness, or Sofia, how she asked us to call her, also keeps giving us glances, all with a motivating smile.

Ashton told us he will come with the first plane, but the flights were delayed, so he had to wait, meaning he'll come later.

Mya's Dad is with Sofia's fiancé in the kitchen. As I asked why just fiancé, since they have been together since her freshman year of college, she answered: "I'm royalty, Alec isn't. Neither of us saw a problem in that, or many of the people we talked to. But the law didn't allow us to marry. I begged my Father to change it, Alec added some threats from time to time, but nothing changed. As my Father died and my older brother got the throne, we knew it was pointless. Karl hates me more than anyone. And he absolutely despises Alec. So, again, the law didn't allow us. We tried getting married in a different country, but the plan didn't work and we were forbidden to come back to Cordelia for a while. But now, my daughter is queen, and the first law she gave was to change the wedding rules. Cordelian monarchs are now able to marry whoever they love. Alec and I are finally able to get married."

I nodded, feeling happy for her. It's then I remembered my own life status and had to cry again. Lukas pulled me closer and let me cry on him.

Mya stands up now and walks over to the kitchen. Sofia follows her minutes after. I spend some more time with Lukas, before I stand up, reach for his hand and we go find the others. We find Adam and Alec at the table in the kitchen, Sofia on Alec's lap, Nessie on a chair next to her husband's, Mya next to her Mom. I take a sit on a chair close to Mya's uncle, then immediately regret it, for that man gives death stares colder than the North Pole itself.

"You're talking about revenge", Lukas reads the room, before any of them say anything.

It doesn't take long before we get some nods.

"That won't be necessary", I whisper, my voice broken. Lukas nods supportive.

Mya doesn't seem to mind that. "He doesn't deserve to live like nothing happened. They all don't deserve that. They were bad with you for years, Lukas. And not to mention how many times he hurt you, Maddie. And to Ash..." Her voice gives up. I understand. From the two of us, Ash suffered most over the years. He's been trying to protect me, by taking all on himself.

"Fine", I agree with her. Lukas looks at me surprised. I only nod convinced. "If not for me, then for my brother."

Mya looks at me thankfully. Then sometimes changes in her gaze. As if she is really about to unleash havoc on my Father.

"But promise me one thing", I tell her. She looks at me surprised. It's then I continue: "Just don't kill him."

Alec lets out a snort next to me. "Could've been fun", he mutters.

Who is this guy?

"Don't worry", Mya tells me. "I doubt that death would scare him more than what is about to happen."

Something tells me I shouldn't underestimate her.

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