Chapter 15

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I hear her come before she calls me to let me know she arrived. And by I hear her come, I mean I hear the engine of her fast car on our driveaway. The girl loves karting but has an even softer spot for expensive race cars.

"I'll go open the door", I tell my parents, excusing myself. They nod, almost waiting for her arrival.

I open the door and lean against the frame, seeing her park the car and stepping out of the driver's seat in a short Chanel dress; so apparently she wasn't lying in her texts, and a pair of loafers from the same brand.

"How do you even drive in those?", I can't help but ask.

She slides the black sunglasses on the top of her head and smirks. "Talent."

I chuckle and come closer, giving her a small kiss on her cheek. She smiles and makes me a sign to head to her trunk, from where she takes out some boxes with her Mom's bookstore's logo on top.

"These need to go inside", Mya tells me.

I nod, although I tell her once more she really shouldn't have brought us anything.

As we walk up the stairs, my parents smile at the sight of her, but it's my Grandma's smile who is the most honest one.

"Pumpkin", she calls her, opening her arms for a hug. Mya quickly walks inside and hugs her tight in return, and as they let go, my best friend smiles and adds: "Helena, it's such a pleasure to see you again. Mom made you your favorite apple pie."

"Tell your Mom she's a dear", Helena tells her while my parents roll their eyes. They're not a fan of Vanessa Cunnan. They say she married her husband just for the money. They said that out loud at a dinner once, one we had with the Cunnans, and Adam almost kicked them out the house for insulting his wife. "Speak of the love of my life wrong again and I'll make sure you watch the company you cherish most burn to pieces." Vanessa was the one to make him calm down and convince him my parents can remain. Mya's Mom is like Sunshine on Earth, making everyone who meets her immediately like her. That rule also applies for the costumers. Some would go to the bookstore every day just to see and talk to her.

My parents simply don't understand human connections.

"I'll make sure I do", Mya answers with a smile.

"Are you hungry, Mya?", Mom asks her. "We have just eaten, but I could take out some turkey for you. If not, we were just about to have desert."

"Don't bother, I'm alright", she tells them. "We have also just eaten. Dad made some really good pasta."

"Doesn't your mother cook?", Dad asks, critic hid behind the word.

Critic, Mya has noticed, for I can see her smile slip a bit. "She does. But Dad loves to surprise her with dinner. It's one of the ways he shows his love and his gratitude for her."

"Gratitude she remained pregnant...", my father mutters.

It's not a secret that Vanessa became a Mom at a young age. She was in her third year of college when she got pregnant with Mya's brother. Was a pretty big deal at the time. But the four have the most amazing family and everyone looks up to them.

"Gratitude for taking care and always being there for our family", Mya corrects him, her eyes narrowing.

To occupy herself, she makes her way to the kitchen to get a knife and some plates for the pie and sweets she brought. Mya has been here countless of times, she knows this house like her own.

I quickly walk after her, after giving my Dad a death stare for insulting her.

"I'm sorry for what he said", I tell her as we're alone, and she's placing a bunch of cinnamon rolls on the plates. "You know he can be a dick."

"It's fine", she mumbles. "I had my dose of coffee before coming here."

Coffee works like anti-stress pills for her.

To change the topic, I point at the pastries in her hand. "They look amazing by the way. Thanks."

It's the first real smile I see on her lips this evening. She quickly takes one away and hands it to me. "Try one."

I take it from her, and bite it a bit. "Oh my God", I let out. "This is delicious."

"Made it myself", she adds proud. "Mom and I have been therapy baking today."

"Therapy baking? How come?"

"It doesn't matter", she is quick to add.


"No, it really is nothing."

"No, because it bothers you, so it isn't nothing."

She sighs, clearly tired from whatever it is that is bothering her. "Remember the time I asked you if you were my pen pal?"

I nod. I haven't told her about my pen pal. The one I've been starting to think a little too much about. "What about him?"

"Well, he sent me another letter."

"Wasn't he supposed to?"

She gives me a glare, so I quickly add an apology. She ditches the cinnamon roll in her hands, to start rubbing her temples. "He sent a new letter, containing pictures of me in different outfits, telling me I look good in blue."

"He sent you pictures of you?!"

"Yeah", her voice breaks.

Rage grows inside me at the thought of her in danger. "Mya, have you told Ms. Green?"

"Yeah", she answers. "But she wouldn't change my pen pal. He would need to threaten me or my family for that to happen, and I'd rather not have him do that."

"But he's stalking you", I can't help but counter.

She nods. "I know. But right now there is nothing I can do."

"What if you stopped writing to him?"

"I asked her that too. She won't have it. If I stop writing, I can say goodbye to my GPA. Meaning I can say goodbye to Harvard."

"Screw Harvard, what if he ends up being a psycho and shows up at your house?"

"Then I'll punch him with my textbook, kill him or something. I care more about Harvard than I care about some random dick who doesn't know how to talk to humans."

I sigh. I know how much Mya wants to go to Harvard. There is no way she will give anything up for this.

"Alright", I tell her, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "But be careful. And if you need anything, you know I'm here for you."

She looks at me, a soft smile on her lips. "Thanks." Then, after taking a deep breath, confidence fills her eyes and a devious smirk appears. "But don't worry about my pen pal. I got this."

"Coming from you, he should be worried."

"Oh, he most definitely should."

I don't think I want to know what she has in store for him.

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