Chapter 17

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"Deeper", the guy whispers as he slides his tongue in my mouth to get his pleasure. I don't feel a thing. Not a thing. The only think I enjoy are the lipstick marks I left on his neck. Then again, why did I spend perfectly good Chanel lipstick on him? There are more chances for me to come from scrolling through my Pinterest.

"Wait", I mouth, trying to sound sexy. It must have worked since he stops and meets my eyes. I look in these deep brown ones. The ones that looked so hot minutes ago.

"What's wrong, baby?", he asks me.

I want to answer as my phone rings, and for the first time, I thank the universe that someone interrupted this.

"I have to take that call", I mumble. I don't even know who the caller is. Anyone would be great.


Even better.

"Now?!", the guy asks. He looks at the messed sheets on the bed, the lipstick in one of my hands. I shrug as if I don't mind.

"Be a good boy and stay quiet", I tell him, one finger going along his lips. He nods, taking said fingers in his mouth. Gross. But that at least will keep him quiet.

"Hey, Ash", I begin. The guy goes pale as I say that. Given the fact he is a player on Ash's football team, there is a high chance he either worships or fears my brother. I think in his case is a mix of both.

"Where the fuck are you?!", Ash asks. I don't know if he's pissed or extremely happy by his tone.

"A bit busy", I respond.

"Send me the address, I'll come pick you up", he suggests.

Highly tempting. But why?

"What's wrong, did something happen?", I ask.

Ash takes a very deep breath. He's clearly annoyed. "There is a pregnancy test on our dinner table that seems rather positive."



"I swear it wasn't me", I have to make sure he understands.

"I know you, Mads, I know it's not you. But someone in this house is pregnant and I really hope it ain't Sloane."

"Okay. Okay...Calm down. You stay there and make sure nothing bad happens, I'll come", I say.

He hangs up before I can add anything.

It's then I stand up and snatch the first shirt I can find together with a pair of jeans, and rush out of the room, shouting an apology.


No fucking taxi.

Or tram.

Or anything coming in the next few hours.

I look at the clock, seeing I have already waited over thirty minutes.

There is no way I'll make it home in time for Ash not to burn the house down. And trust me, I know he could. He did burn the tree house one of our distant Uncles got him when we were eight. The uncle's daughter's favorite doll was inside. It was a scandal.

"Hey", a voice surprises me.

I turn around and cue the gasp.

Lukas Winthrope.

Lukas freaking Winthrope.

I do a small pirouette to see if there are any other people around me he might be talking to, for as I already said, he and Ash and I aren't quite close, but no. No one in sight. Only me. And my damn "snatched my boyfriend's shirt look", who doesn't even belong to my boyfriend.

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