Chapter 24

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"You even brought me coffee, this must be serious", Mya says as she meets me in front of the school. She hops in the car on the passenger's seat, throwing her bag on the backseat and looks at me expecting. I start driving the car down the road.

"What do you mean?", I ask her surprised. "I always bring you coffee."

She smirks. "I know. That's why I keep you around."

"I thought it was because of my awesome personality."

"Yeah, that too". Her words come out as a mumble for she started sipping the latte through her straw.

I meanwhile arrived at the Drive through and order us two burritos, then park in the parking lot for us to talk. I've thought about this a lot. Breaking up with Mya will hurt, cause I'm afraid she won't want to stay friends. But I can't stop thinking about Maddie. I know I have been attracted to her for months, but these past few weeks, I got to know her. And now, I'm not just attracted to her. I'm full of her. I think of her, want her, dream about her. It's fucking insane, really.

"So...", I begin, taking a bite from my burrito.

"So...", Mya repeats.

"I met a girl", I decide to go like that.

Mya freezes. I don't have to keep talking for her to know what that means.

"You're breaking up with me", she finishes.

"I'm sorry", I almost shout. But not because I want to shout at her. But because I have no fucking clue what will happen next and I don't want to lose her. "I've been thinking so long about it, because I know it might hurt, and we might never talk again and you are my best friend. And I love the shit out of you. Like a friend. But you're more than a friend. You're like my sister. And I..."

I stop. For I suddenly feel two arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. "Your kisses taste like peaches. I hate peaches."

"What?!", I let out confused.

Mya looks up, her chin on my chest so she can meet my eyes as she says: "Do you have any fucking clue how many times I wanted to ask you to get a mouth spray? Bunch of them."

"Mya, what are you talking about?" I still don't get what's happening.

She lets go of me as she says. "Relax, we're good. We can break up, but only if you solemnly swear that we can keep going as best friends."

"You still want to be my best friend?", I almost tear up.

She nods. "You're not getting rid of me so easily, Lukas. Who am I supposed to beat in karting then? Who will get me coffee?"

"Oh great", I tease her back.

She chuckles, wrapping her feet around her. "Who would be the one I can talk about anything with? The one who does the crazy shit no one would do with me?"

"Jumping from a cliff in Monaco was pretty crazy", I think about it.

She only smiles brighter. "See? We're made for each other. And I don't mean it in a lovey-dovey kinda way. But in a besties kinda way."

"I'm your bestie?", I ask her surprised.

She nods. "Well Becca will always be my number one, but you're there P2 next to her."

"Who the heck uses Formula One references in a cheesy pep talk?"

"Girls who love F1 and like doing iconic shit."

Fine, I won't argue.

"My point is", she ends. "I'll still be your best friend if you'd have me. No deal this time. Only us. Are you up for it?"

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