Chapter 27

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"MADELINE", Sloane shouts throughout the house. "Why is there an APOLLO SUV on our driveway?"

"That would be my friend", I respond, quickly rushing downstairs so that Mya doesn't have to face my family alone. I am not done getting ready, for I had to make Ash believe I'm not going out on a date with his worst-enemy.

"You have a friend?", Sloane asks surprised. "But your personality is so..."

"Thank you, Sloane, but I think Maddie is more than capable of making friends", Ash backs me up from where he is standing on the staircase.

I look at him thankful, him coming closer. "Is Mya coming?"

"Yeah", I answer, opening the door so I can meet her outside.

He nods, his expression blank, and follows me. I send him an icy glare, but he doesn't care, stopping to lean in the doorframe while I go out.

Mya steps out her car, wearing a combination of some running leggings, hoodie and sneakers, and walks over to me, closing the car door behind her. "Maddie, it's so nice to see you again", she begins. She doesn't even seem to lie. "Your house looks so pretty."

"Thanks", I reply. I don't mention it feels like a trap to me, cause we're not going that deep yet.

She scans my body, noticing the dress I'm wearing. "What the heck is that?!"

"A dress", I answer.

"Girl, no. Trust me, when Lukas said gym clothes, he meant it. It's time for an outfit change."

Not at all concerning. Nevertheless, I lead her to the door, from where Ash doesn't move. And he's taking up all the space.

"Ash, we need to enter", I tell him.

He still makes no move, staring into Mya's eyes, seeming a bit tense. She returns the stare, their eyes being locked for a few seconds. I don't know what's going on, but the tension seems to have reached very alarming levels. Even I get goosebumps. 

"Nice car", he says, his mouth a devious smirk.

Mya rolls her eyes as she stomps her foot on his, making him flinch, giving us enough space to pass. "Told you it's prettier without you in it."

My eyes widen at that, wondering why the heck was Ash in Mya's car, hoping I didn't just hear what I heard, but I remember to play host and lead her inside. She follows me without a comment. We have to walk through the living room where Sloane happens to lounge, as if waiting for our guest.

"That would be my Father's girlfriend, Sloane", I introduce her.

She stands up and walks over, coming to greet her. "Hey, I'm Sloane Delance, a pleasure to meet you."

Ash and I exchange a look. Delance?!

Mya must have noticed us, but she still remains polite as she reaches out her hand and says: "It's so lovely to meet you. I'm Mya, Mya Cunnan."

Sloane gasps. "Cunnan as in Adam Cunnan?"

Mya only nods.

"Or Lewis Cunnan?", Sloane continues. Mya still nods.

"I've always wanted to meet Lewis, I'm such a fan", Sloane still continues, her voice a bit too sensual for no lust to be included.

"He's dating", Mya figures out where this is heading.

"But not married", again Sloane.

"My room", I interrupt this, leading Mya upstairs. We're still on the staircase as we can hear Sloane let out a cheer.

"Don't mind her", I say. I lead her to my room, closing the door fast enough so that Ash can't enter, but I can almost feel him staring through the door. I hope he's in his room now. I hope.

"It's fine", Mya says. "My brother and his girlfriend are soulmates. Even if she tried, there's no way of breaking them up. Lewis is whipped as fuck."

I can't help but chuckle, going straight to my closet. Mya looks at my bed as in a silent question and I nod, so she hops on it while I try on clothes.

"Definitely not", she says as I runway with a blue jumpsuit.

"I'd only have my sport clothes left", I tell her.

She nods. "Those would be good."

"Where are we going, anyway?"

She smirks. "I could tell you, but Lukas made me swear not to. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Then again, to maybe get an idea: "If this would be your date, would you enjoy it?"

"Perhaps", she lets out, thinking about it. "But my ideal date spots are a bit different."

I look at her. Her smirk turns wider as her eyes try to look innocent. She occupies herself with playing with one of the strands falling off her ponytail as she asks: "So, what excuse did you pick?"

"Well, it had to be believable to them. I couldn't go with a shopping spree, since they'd notice I didn't spend any money from the card, so we went out for a run."

"For nine hours?", she asks skeptical.

I haven't thought of that. "I'll tell them we stopped for a coffee and shopping too. Just take my card and buy something."

"I can't, it's your money", she tells me.

"Mya, look, there is nothing on Earth that could be more valuable than the fact I go on a date with him. Please, do it", I say handing her the card.

She still shakes her head. "I'll just say you paid in cash."

"Thank you", I let out, wrapping my arms around her. "Thanks for doing this."

She chuckles as she lets go. "No problem." Then, after thinking about it. "But are you sure your parents will buy it just from seeing some Instagram stories with your name tagged on them? Do they even see my stories?"

"Sloane does", I assure her. "She follows all of us, basically."

"That's creepy", Mya mutters, so that I don't here.

I did hear. But I shrug unbothered. "It is. Very creepy. But so is the rest of the Delance universe, so..."

She looks at the running leggings I matched with a white crop top and sneakers. "That's better", she exclaims.

After I take the bag I prepared before, just after I finished my makeup, we walk out the room and walk over to her car. Sloane tries to talk to her again, but I make sure to sprint through the living room to the parking lot outside.

Mya opens the door to the driver's seat while I go on the passenger's one. I can't believe this is her car. It's a huge SUV, clearly not made for a seventeen-year-old, but there is a plastic cup in the cup holder with lipstick marks on it, a Chanel lipstick next to it and some Prada sunglasses.

She takes out her phone to text someone, and I notice her look at me. "Do you like coffee?"

I nod. She smiles. "Bestie", she mumbles, before she asks: "Any preferences?"

"Usually the Caramel Frappucino, why?"

"Lukas is already there, he's getting us all coffee."

I feel bad knowing I made us be late. "It's my fault", I whisper.

She stops making turns with the car to look at me. "You need to relax. Not everything is your fault. And besides, why not let him wait for a while? It will only grow his excitement."

I don't even have to fake it when I chuckle.

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