Chapter 25

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I'm on my bed scrolling my social media, Ashton is keeping me company by playing darts. I don't question why he installed a darts target in my room or why he has Lukas' T-shirt placed on it as motivation. Neither do I tell him anything about how Lukas and I spent time today and almost kissed. Or how I spent the last thirty minutes scrolling Lukas' Instagram page. Sloane and Father are busy upstairs, so we have nothing better to do than to chill in our room before they realize it's dinner time. They hate it when we have dinner alone, because they say we should be a functional family. But they won't come on time because they're busy doing it upstairs.

I don't tell Ashton about how I wished I'd have stayed and kissed Lukas. How much I regret not kissing Lukas.

Enough of looking at his photos, I take a quick nice selfie that I post at my story saying "bored", and then continue to look at other people's stories. I'm about to give up and maybe go do something a bit more productive, when I reach Mya's story.

And I have to gasp.

"They broke up", I can't help but let out.

Ash interrupts his darts session to look at me. "Who broke up?"

"Lukas and Mya. They broke up."

"Are you sure?", he asks back, an eyebrow raised minimally. This is the most interested I have ever seen him in gossip.

"Yeah, she put it in her story", I continue. Silence installs in our room for a while.

Before Ash whispers: "Good for her."

"Yeah", I add, thinking about something completely different. "Good for her."

I can't help but go on her account a bit. I notice there is a new reel she posted seconds ago, one I probably missed while looking at her stories. She's on a bed, wearing a hoodie, some leggings and white fluffy socks. Lounging next to her is Lukas, a hoodie that seems a bit too large to be his and some sweatpants. Mya smiles at the camera as she says: "Hey Lukas"

Then the camera turns back to him, his eyes glued to the screen of a laptop. I can't help but notice he's watching Gossip Girl. Probably her idea but still a green flag.

"Yeah", he answers.

Camera goes back on her face, and she squints her nose with a close-up. "Watch this", she whispers to us. The girl is really big on social media, has thousands of followers. I do too, but I mostly post pictures of my clothes and me wearing them, never fun stuff like reels or just photo dumps. Father said my account is my image, and it has to be perfect. So that his image isn't ruined.

"Who's the best ship on Gossip Girl?", she asks.

"I don't know, so many", he answers, turning to look at her. The camera is back on him. I can't help but notice how relaxed he is. And how good he looks. I wonder if this is an older video, for they just broke up, but I notice how Lukas' phone lights up at his movement, and after the background with him and someone else, probably Mya, wearing racing helmets and being in two karts, it is today's date and the clock shows the time half an hour ago.

"I'd say Dan and Serena", he teases her.

She takes out the first pillow she finds and throws it in his face.

"Traitor", she mutters at him.

"We haven't even reached the episodes with Nate and Serena. Guess we'll have to do a marathon, so you don't kill me tonight."

She smiles as she nods, turning her camera back on her. "I'll tell you guys how it goes later."

She smiles as she closes the video. The comments section keeps saying "BEST COUPLE" or "why did you break up??!". A lot of heartbroken emojis and all.

"I'll go make a phone call", I tell Ash.

He looks at me surprised, since I usually call people not minding his presence. I only excuse myself and go on the hallway going up the stairs, to reach the rooftop terrace. The air is chilly, it is October after all, and I'm only in an undershirt and some shorts, but I need to do this.

I somehow got Lukas' number. Don't ask me how, I also forgot. But when I press dial, he picks up at the first ring.

"Maddie", he says. I can hear someone talking in the background, then something that seems to be someone getting a pillow in their face, then footsteps and a closed door. "Sorry about that."

"Is it true?", I ask. "Did the two of you break up?"

I don't have to be there next to him to see him nod. "We did. I told her I fell in love with another girl. It was the right thing to do."

Fell in love...No, not going there tonight.

I remember him talking of how close their friendship was, and can't help but wonder: "But you still remain friends, right? I don't want to be the one who ruined a friendship."

"Yeah, don't worry, everything good. I think she's happy she doesn't have to kiss me again. Said my kisses taste like peaches."

"I like peaches", I whisper without consulting my brain first.

I can hear him chuckle at the other end of the line.

Moments of silence. Then: "I want to take you out."

"I thought you'd get bored of me once I didn't kiss you", I mutter.

I can almost see him shake his head. "I told you we're taking it slow. It's fine. I still want to take you out."

A smile slowly tugs on my lips, that feeling in the stomach returning. "I'd be free on Saturday."

"Great", he whispers.

Before I hang up, I can't help but add one more thing. "Lukas"


"My father can't know about us."

It breaks my heart to tell it to him like that, but knowing my Father, he won't be under doing something less humane to Lukas if he finds out he made his daughter fall in love with him. Especially as he's a Winthrope.

"My parents either", he whispers. Noticing this conversation gets rather sad, he changes the topic with: "Hence why I chose an extra special location for us. Wear your gym clothes."

"Excuse me?", I can't help but ask.

"See you on Saturday, Maddie", he ends.

I smile. Damn you, butterflies.

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