Chapter 54

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Ash has an arm around my shoulders, my fingers meeting his, as we walk through the Bahrain International Airport. Lukas and Maddie finally told Ashton they're together. And after needing an extra-long darts session and a few glasses of whiskey, the next day he came to Maddie and told her he's happy if she's happy. I see him tense as he throws glances at them from time to time, but I always squeeze his hand to remind him they are happy.

I couldn't like my outfit more. A Chanel black Summer dress that reaches my ankles with some sandals and some black sunglasses on the top of my head. Ashton came matching with me, a black short-sleeved shirt, white pants and sneakers, black sunglasses too. Maddie is wearing a floral white short dress with some sneakers, her hair in a braid, and Lukas a white polo shirt, beige pants and loafers.

Even if the four of us are in this combination, no one questioned, since we used the excuse we all came here to celebrate getting in our dream colleges. Ash and I are together as a couple, Maddie can either say she's here because of her twin or her bestie, and Lukas is my friend. Nothing suspicious.

I scream as I see a girl in a dark blue rib top and black wavy pants with some matching black heels and sunglasses on the top of her head, her blonde curly hair up in a bun, her blue eyes smiling as she sees me.

"Mya", Aria shouts, and we both start rushing to each other. I only stop as I have her in a hug and we're both hugging so tight, we might break any moment but neither of us cares.

As I let her go, I can't believe I finally see her again. I've missed her too much. I also can't help but notice the ring Lewis proposed with on her finger, the diamond sparkling in the sun.

Ash, Maddie and Lukas meanwhile arrived next to us, so I start doing the introduction round. "Everyone, this is Aria. Aria, these are Ashton, my boyfriend; Maddie, my bestie and you already know Lukas from this Summer."

Aria remembers, a smile on her lips. "It's lovely to meet you all. And it's nice to see you again, Lukas."

Maddie smiles so bright, she almost lets out a cheer. "Aria as in Aria Grant?"

"Soon to be Cunnan", she adds with a wink in my direction. I can't help but chuckle.

"I follow you on basically all your social media. I love you so much", my bestie continues.

A smile tugs on Aria's lips. "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you say that." Aria then looks at our many bags and shakes her head. "This ain't happening." She then pulls out her phone, a wallpaper of her kissing Lewis I notice, and calls somebody. "Hey, yeah, we might need help after all over here." She chuckles once before she hangs up.

"I'm calling in reinforcements", she explains.

"My brother?", I can't help but ask.

Aria shakes her head. "Lewis wanted to come, but Duncan called everybody for a last-minute PR meeting before the opening race tonight. Even though it's quali only, the press still wants tones of interviews, since it's the start of the season. Yesterday at practice, the paddock was basically filled with people, all with cameras and microphones. And after the little mishap with Levi this off-season, we need all hands on deck."

"What mishap?", Maddie asks for all of us.

"He had some...diplomatic issues", she responds, not giving away much. I remember my brother complaining about Aria and Levi being like besties, him often calling her his sister. Figures she won't reveal any secrets. "But don't ask him about it, he gets rather pissy", she quickly adds.

Before we know it, a new guy enters the room, his skin tanned, athletic body, sunglasses covering his eyes from the crowds. He goes with his hand through his hair, the move captured by a camera clicking somewhere. He's wearing a sponsor T-Shirt from ASTORIA, his number 61 on it.

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