Chapter 47

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The rules have changed. Because we were told we'd be selected and we can then choose the college and go to a week of interviews. But after one week and a half of seeing how competitive the students at Venier are for those places, the jury decided to install on-campus exams and interviews before the week of interviews to determine who the five will be. There has been hung a list at the secretary with our names and the colleges that selected us to write their exam. The exams and interviews will happen in the three remaining days in which the juries are here. Then, in case I succeed, it's off to a week of interviews next week.

I find my name, following six colleges. Brown, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Columbia and... Harvard. I scream, wrapping my arms around Maddie, pulling her as close to me as I can. She smiles, seeming really happy for me. We then both search for her name, and I see it's also followed by four college names. Brown, Yale, Princeton and Columbia. Maddie starts crying, as she sees that, and I pull her closer to me. It's been a hard few days for my best friend. She doesn't talk about it much, but I know she has a lot of drama at home. Ash got even worse, he keeps locking himself inside him and doesn't talk to anyone. He hasn't been at school the last three days. He's still there for me, but I know he's hurting. I'd like to help him, I just don't know how.

Lukas comes too, we notice. After greeting Maddie and me with a nod, he looks at the list and smiles. Five names. Brown, Yale, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania and Cornell. I have to check Ashton's name too. He got three. Princeton, Columbia...and Harvard.

I stop.

For my boyfriend.

My boyfriend.

We might have a chance to be together next year.

A smile tugs on my lips as a voice through the speakers announces the first exam. Brown. I offer Maddie a reassuring hand squeeze and start leading her to the exam room. There are three exams planned for today. Brown, Princeton and Dartmouth. I get to go to two of them. Harvard is tomorrow, so I already planned a long study session in the library today. The senior students are free of classes for the next few days, only coming for exams and interviews. The whole Ivy League program became much more important to us than the principal expected, so he gave us time off to be able to study. Everybody got even more competitive. We all want those spots. It offers you a guarantee you're in an Ivy. That's all we all want.

As I sit down on my chair, I take out the pen and my water bottle, arranging them on the table. I take a few deep breaths, realizing how fucking important this is to me. Maybe Harvard doesn't want me. Brown is an amazing school. I could see myself there.

This is important.

I take a deep breath as the teacher announces the exam to start.


Two exams and one interview session done. I'm waiting, sitting on a chair on the hallway, fidgeting with the flashcards in my hands. I sometimes check that my uniform sits alright, since I need this now more than ever. After I finished with Brown, I went straight in the Princeton exam, followed by the interview I am now waiting for. They are doing this alphabetically, but from the bottom to the top. Meaning Maddie is in there now, Ash following her, then me.

Only Ashton didn't arrive.

He skipped the exam too.

Both Maddie and I texted him he got in and he texted us he understood. He even wished us luck for today. And then he disappeared. Didn't show up for the exam. Didn't show up for anything.

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