People Change a lot In two Years - Kazutora

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Word Count: 2604

Paring: Platonic!Baji x trans! reader, Platonic!Mitsuya x trans! reader, and implied tension between Kazutora and Reader

Summary: Three delinquent kids, Kazutora, Baji and Y/n. Everyone thought it was weird for the girl to hang with the delinquents but hey they couldn't stop her. They were some of the closest friends, well until Kazutora went to Juvie. After losing her best friend to juvie, Y/n finds herself in the aftermath. Kazutora was not accepting the new Y/n he was faced with.

Warnings: Spoilers for the Valhalla arc if you haven't watched it yet, Mentions of death, stealing, Pah-chin being sexist, Kazutora is crazy but I love him, reader is written as afab transmasculine

A/n: Hello everyone, welcome. So this is a Trans reader fic, the reader is afab transmasculine. I wrote it because I want to see more trans reader fics out there and that's kinda the point of my blog so I figured why not. Also I wrote this with the thought of them being closer to 17-18 so let's say the Shinichiro incident happened when they were like 15, Ok. Any who, I hope you enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate. Requests are open.

It was rare to see Kazutora without Baji or Y/n, they were all extremely close. If Baji was getting food you can bet Kazutora and Y/n could be found causing trouble nearby. Sure, many people found it odd that there was a girl hanging with a couple delinquents, but once they saw Y/n throw the first punch when someone threatened her friends they understood. Y/n would fight for her friends no matter what. That's one of the reasons Kazutora liked having Y/n around, she didn't care that they fought or stole a snack here and there, they were just kids having fun.

Y/n was even there when Toman was formed. Sure there was some protest from Mitsuya because he didn't want to see her get hurt, not that he thought she couldn't fight, and Pah-chin because he thought girls should stay out of gangs. But when Baji stood up for her saying that she would fight for any of them, Mikey agreed that having Y/n in the gang was fine. After all, what's one more person in the gang, they were trying to make a new area for delinquents and needed as many people as they could get.

With that Y/n was an important part of the group, helping to take down Black Dragon and helping Mitsuya design their jackets. Even with the added responsibility of helping run the small gang, which at the time wasn't a lot, Y/n still found the time to cause trouble with Kazutora and Baji. Which leads us to the night of August 13th, Kazutora had a plan to get Mikey the best birthday present ever and was ready to get his two friends to help him out.

"Come on guys, everything will be fine. We go in get the bike and give it to Mikey. As long as we're quick and quiet no one will know it was us." Kazutora explained his plan to steal Mikey's dream bike from a local shop.

The two sitting across from him looked at him skeptically, before the girl of the group spoke up. "Tora, I understand what you mean by saying the only way kids like us get bikes is by being giving one or stealing one, but this is crazy. We can't just steal a bike and think Mikey would actually thank us for it." Y/n was having a hard time believing their friend would appreciate them breaking and entering to get him a bike.

Kazutora turned to Baji hoping his other friend would have a different response, but the short haired boy just looked down at the table. "Are you guys serious? Mikey would be so happy and we wouldn't have to give him rides everywhere anymore. You guys want to make Mikey happy, right?" He continued to reason.

"I'll help you, Kazutora." Baji finally said, though it was clear he was hesitant.

This declaration led to a scoff and eye roll from the other member of the group. "You guys do whatever you want, I clearly can't stop you. But please be careful, I don't want either of you to get hurt." Y/n said, upset that despite the fact it could end in jail time for either one of her friends, Kazutora was dead set on doing this. "Just know I refuse to aid in this plan. I'll see you guys later, I'm going home before you get any more dumb ideas." With that Y/n went home and tried to ignore how dumb her friends were being right now.

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