Back at It...

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The Next Day

"Thanks." Millicent tiredly smiled as Bree handed her a coffee. The gang was back in the waiting room, some of them had a chance to visit with Zed since he said it was fine. 

Now it was Zevon's turn to take over to spend some time with his son, leaving Millicent with a much needed break.

Today the doctors discussed Zed needing some physical therapy during his stay. He was on ordered bed rest for today which he hated but luckily for her, Zed was listening to his doctor for once.

"You need it." Bree assured her, a frown tugging at her lips as she rubbed her hand over her best friend's shoulder. "You are doing great."

Millicent nodded, blinking back tears as last nights events and the current situation sunk in yet again.

She called their boss, explained Zed would be on a medical leave and she would need two weeks off. So that was taken care of for now, past that? She had no clue she was just thankful she had so much PTO saved up since they never really went anywhere..

She also got a hold of all her teachers, leaving them emails and emailing Zed's on his behalf. His coach also mentioned he would follow up with them so they would understand the severity of his situation. Her professors were strict on attendance but luckily there was a emergency policy but she couldn't miss more than four classes which would be about two weeks.

The stress of Zed's current condition, missing school, their jobs and knowing their bills that would eventually start to pile up began to make her nauseous.

Being a real adult absolutely sucked sometimes..

The last three years hadn't been super easy, but then again nothing like this had happened. She was praying this wouldn't be the thing that screwed them in the end. They had made it through every other hurdle life's thrown their way.. They had to make it through this one.

Staring at the cup of coffee in her hand she couldn't help as her thoughts drifted to one particular hurdle they faced after their first year of college...


*Summer 2 years ago*

They had been busting their asses, picking up more hours at their jobs during summer since school was out and this was their only time to get ahead.

That was until her stupid jeep broke down.

"How much?!" Millicent's jaw dropped at the mechanic cringed at the volume of her voice. "I'm sorry I just.. I can't afford that.." Her cheeks flushed, she had never had to worry about money in her life. Now here she was not even able to take care of her car?

"Jeeps can be a lot of upkeep.. If I were you I'd take it to a dealership and see what you can get."

"Thanks.." Millicent mumbled, taking the guys card and making arrangements to have her car stay in their lot for one more night while she debated on what to do.

Zed was at work and she hadn't even called him to let him know her car broke down. Now she had to unload this on him too?

Could today get any worse?

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