Give Up

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November 23rd

Zed was absolutely miserable and it was only his 3rd day back...

He sat in his History class this morning without Millie, earning looks of sympathy and pity. Football was over and he had nothing to try to distract himself from the fact that she wasn't here. Thanksgiving break wasn't for another day, he just had to get through today and tomorrow..

On his way to 2nd period his phone was buzzing in his pocket, he nearly had a heart attack. He was praying it wasn't another spam call, it wasn't.

"Um hi Mr. Calvins... is everything okay?" He leaned against the wall of his 2nd period waiting to finish the phone conversation before he went inside.

"Yes sorry we.. we just wanted to make sure to keep you updated. We're getting called into a meeting with her doctor about possibly bringing her out of the coma soon."
"R-really? Oh my god."
"Yeah we're hoping it could happen today but it's not likely. I'll let you know after we find out but I'll probably just send you a text next time if that's okay?"
"Okay y-yeah that's fine, thank you Mr. Calvins I appreciate the updates."

Zed slumped against the wall as the call ended, he was very surprised how well Mr. Calvins kept him in the loop. However he wasn't letting his guard down just yet, Millie didn't trust her parents so he wasn't fully convinced by them.

Peeling himself off the wall he turned towards his class, he could hear the chatter and laughter of students. Biting his lip, he stopped himself from entering. The teen was so tired, having not slept very well the last couple days. Not since I left her..
Maybe I could just skip and go home?

Zed sighed, either way he would be miserable. He decided to just walk into the classroom, after math he would skip.

November 24th

Zed was sipping his coffee in History the next morning. His phone buzzed a couple of times, he ignored the texts. Since coming home all kinds of girls had been trying to get ahold of him. Even though he had stopped messing around with other girls over a month ago they figured with Millie out of the picture this was their shot.
It made Zed sick..
The thought had crossed his mind that maybe, taking up one of them on their offer wouldn't be terrible. He could really use the distraction but it kind of felt like cheating. Millicent wasn't actually his girlfriend, but either way. Conscious or not he made her a promise that if it was her it would only be her. Zed wasn't going to jeopardize whatever they had between them.

His phone buzzed again, he rolled his eyes grabbing and unlocking it. Straightening up in his seat he cursed his stubbornness. While there was a couple texts from a girl that couldn't get the hint there was also two from Millie's father.

The doctor called us in, they want to start the reversal process.

Zed there waking her up.

Zed grabbed his backpack abruptly standing up, interrupting the class.
"Mr. Necrodopolis class isn't—-"
"Break starts today does it actually matter if I'm here or not?" Zed hissed out as he slammed through the front door of the class.

Zed strummed on the steering wheel as he drove on the freeway to Seattle. He was impatient, Mr. Calvins had called him telling him that the doctors said it could take up to 12 hours before the drugs left her system enough to wake up. He didn't care though he was going to be there, he would stay at a hotel tonight if he had to he didn't care. At least he had remembered to call Elizabeth who was more than happy to watch Zoey until his dad was off work.

Give Me a Reason  [Zed Necrodopolis AU]Where stories live. Discover now