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Millie felt warm as she started waking up, she realized she was still wrapped up with Zed. Instead of pulling away she sleepily snuggled back into his chest, he was comfortable.

Zeds large arms squeezed around her stirring in his sleep. He tried to stretch out but he felt a weight on him, looking down he realized Millie was on top of him. I guess I never made it home..

He smirked rubbing his hands over Millie's naked body, he couldn't get enough of her. Last night was eye opening in so many ways, she showed him a whole new type of play. Zed was more than game for some more. Millie whined in his arms, his eyes widen realizing he maybe squeezed her ass a little too hard.

The warm chocolate pools that were her eyes looked up at him, a unamused expression graced her face.  "Morning princess." Millie licked her bottom lip before biting it upon hearing Zed's morning voice, the action hadn't gone unnoticed.

Millie sat up, Zed following suit before scooting back so he could lean against the headboard while she straddled his lap. "So are we going to talk about last night?" She blushed, Zed chuckled rubbing his hands against her bare thighs. "What about last night?"
"Just that it was fucking amazing and I'm so ready for more.." Millie squeaked once Zed pulled her flushed against him. "You really liked it?" He nodded, his hands kept caressing her body, she welcomed the warmth his hands brought against her skin.
"You think you can handle more?"
"Oh yeah, the question is can you Princess?" Zed challenged Millie at her own game, he closed his eyes smirking as her lips found his.

"Millicent!" Zed froze as Millie broke apart from him, she was quick to grab the sheet behind her covering herself with it and leaning into Zed's chest covering his softening manhood. He started to panic but then heard Millie's voice, void of panic and clearly bored.
"Mom! Your supposed to knock first, we've been over this.."

"We also talked about how your suppose to lock your door if you have guests over and how many times have I told you to stop taking my things to your room?" Zed watched as Millie's mom Helen walked into her room not interested at all at fact that her daughter was currently in bed with the troubled teen. He shifted uncomfortably under Millie as they carried on the conversation.
Zed watched as Millie's mother grabbed her bottle of tequila before walking back towards the bedroom door. "Oh and good morning Zed." Helen smirked at the two of them before shutting the door, Zed had never turned such a shade of red before. He had also never been caught by someone's parents... however he definitely didn't think it was supposed to go like that.

"What the fuck is she going to wait until I'm like downstairs to kill me?" Millie laughed, giggling into his shoulder. She had never seen Zed look so terrified. "Millicent it's not fucking funny." Growling, he pushed her down into the mattress obviously not really angry but feeling the need to assert his dominance.
"Zed relax, she doesn't care."
"At all? She just saw you practically riding me...and she knows what happened to you—"
"—What part of they don't care do you not get and fucking drop it already." Zed was taken back realizing he had hit a nerve and then was surprised again when he felt her fingers tug his hair forcing his lips down to hers. It took less than a second for him to get hard, rubbing his erection against her wet folds, carefully making sure to not cross the line she drew.
"Zed please just make me cum." Whined Millie, he groaned hearing her beg him for the release only he could give her.
"It's okay, I'll take care of you princess."

Eventually Zed had to untangled himself from his friend, he told her he would text her later during his shift. He had to get home to shower before work in an hour.

Zed tried shoveling food in his mouth as fast as he could, continuing to ignore his dad who was wondering what exactly he had been up to all night.
"This isn't the first time I've not come home or came home this late, what's the problem?" Chugging orange juice on the way to the sink with his dishes. He checked his hair one more time in the hallway mirror before checking his pockets to make sure he had everything.

Give Me a Reason  [Zed Necrodopolis AU]Where stories live. Discover now