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4 Days until Homecoming
3 Days until the Homecoming Game


"Princess come on, your seriously making me wait until Saturday to touch you at all?" Zed whined, he dug his fingers into Millie's hips as she grabbed books out of her locker. Zed and Millie usually found themselves making out after practice once or twice a week when their hormones were a little too crazy, or occasionally stealing kisses in the halls when one of them dared to be cheeky. They had only hooked up a handful of times but after the weekend they just had and the terrible night Zed had when he used Vanessa Jacobs, pretending she was Millie. After that Zed had found himself craving his best friends company and touch a little more than usual. He didn't know but Millie was smirking as she continued pulling things out of her locker, Zed nipping at the spot below her ear, trying to persuade her to hook up with him in her Range Rover instead of going to their study period. Millie had him wrapped around her finger and Zed really was none the wiser, still assuming he was calling the shots.

"Zed you even said it yourself I need to study for my AP calc midterm.."
"I'll help you study if you get that ass of yours in the car." He grunted before groaning as she started walking away from him towards their study period. "Ugh your no fun at all.."

"So what are you wearing Saturday?" Millie questioned before shoving a handful of Swedish fish in her mouth, practicing calculus equations for her upcoming midterm while Zed actually tried to read up for the history final, it was the only one he was actually anxious for, he hated history.
"I've never been to a dance how should I know?" Zed stole a candy from her, She studied him for a minute before texting someone on her phone, continuing to chew her candies. "Okay according to Addison Seabrook homecoming is very semi-formal, so honestly a dress shirt, a tie and some jeans would work really well on you. Ooo I got it, can you wear those black jeans but the ones with just the rips on the knees?" The boy owned more ripped jeans than even she did, she had to be specific.
"Ha I knew you thought I looked hot in them.." Zed smirked, stealing more candies from Millie. "Do you have like a white dress shirt?"
"Yeah, I only have like two ties though, black and white."
"Of course, well obviously you'll have to wear the black then. You'll be the most classic looking guy there."
"Ehh I'm less interested in what I'm wearing but now I'm curious about how much skin you'll be showing off.." His eyebrows raised suggestively, Millie sometimes couldn't even believe how often his thoughts turned sexual.


"You okay there Mills?" Addison giggled, snapping the zoned out brunette from her thoughts. "Oh hey guys, yeah sorry I was just thinking of something.." Bree sat next to her whole Addison took a seat on the bleacher below to look up at her friends. "So Addy said you found a date to hoco! Who is it?" She couldn't stop the grin, the two girls looked at her more intently as the pretty girl blushed lightly. "Take one guess."
"No fucking way, Zed doesn't go to dances. Come on Mills who's taking you?"
"I told you, Zed Necrodopolis basically does whatever I tell him to." Shrugging it off Millie enjoyed watching the two cheerleaders look at her completely speechless.
"Okay what are we missing here? You must be really good in bed.."
"Oh this is where it gets better, I'm not even sleeping with him. I told you, I'd have him wrapped so tightly he wouldn't even see it coming.."

"I've been kind of curious about something though, how was Zed when he first came to Seabrook?"
"That's a Bree question, I was in 8th grade his freshmen year." Addison explained looking over Bree curiously along with Millicent. "Well I mean I can only go off of what I saw and heard but I remember everyone talking about him. I felt bad for him already when I saw the green hair, no one at Seabrook has crazy colors like that that. All we really knew was that he moved here and from the first day of school for his whole freshman year he was picked on.. the only person that has ever actually gotten to know him is you. No one even knew he had a sister until that game."

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