After Party

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"Hey guys how was the game?" Zevon quickly asked as his kids came barreling through the door. Zed ran straight to his room as Zoey hugged her father. "Hey daddy!"

"Hey sweetie, awe look how cute you look.." Zed re-emerged from his room, in his usual too tight black ripped up jeans and wearing too much cologne. His arms were slipping through a red flannel as he made his way over to the two.

"Thanks Zed's girlfriend did it!" Zevon looked at Zoey in surprised while her older brother glared at the little girl.

"Girlfriend?" His father questioned, he felt slightly hopeful that his son was actually capable of a monogamous relationship. It had been 4 years since they moved here and Zed had kept them in the dark of whatever his social life consisted of every step of the way.

"She's not my girlfriend Zoey!" He exclaimed, his temper was starting to come out. He turned to the mirror to fix his hair. "She's my history partner and she did me a favor by watching Zoey while I played tonight..."

"Yeah Zed gave me too many fruit snacks and I threw up, but it was okay because Millie was there. She got me food and she made my hair pretty like hers." Zevon took in everything that Zoey was rambling out while Zed texted Millie that he would be right out.

"Well thank god for this Millie, glad she was there.."

"Yeah yeah she's great okay I gotta go... I'll be home late." He kissed Zoey on cheek before waving bye to his dad.

"He's taking her to a party..." Zoey clarified, "Ah is he?" Zed groaned slamming the door. 'She's lucky I love her..'

He jogged over to the range rover, hopping in before looking apologetically at his classmate.

"Sorry Zoey wouldn't stop talking about you to my dad.."

"Awe she's adorable, glad she liked me.." Zed took in the overly clean car, it looked brand new and smelled of vanilla and cinnamon. It wasn't the fake smell though, it smelt like warmth and reminded him of Christmas morning. He shook his head trying to find something else to keep him preoccupied as the car ride fell silent. His fingers hit the buttons on the stereo which caused music to scream through the speakers in the car. Quickly he turned it down while Millie just laughed.

"Sorry, I like it loud." Chuckling Zed turned it back up not as loud as she had it but still pretty loud as they made their way to Bucky's. It occurred to Zed that he was about to spend all night with Millie at the party. He had already spent the whole day at school with her, it was dawning on him that he had never actually spent so much time with a girl.. or anyone not on the football team. What was he even supposed to say to her all night?

It seemed like Millie didn't mind not talking though unlike some girls. She was more focused on singing along to the rap song that just came on then she was trying to converse. Zed enjoyed it, being able to relax as she drove. He was pretty exhausted but he wasn't about to miss this party.

"You look like you could fall asleep.."
"I'm running on empty, that game wiped me."
"Sounds like you need a vodka Red Bull..." Millie sang as she hopped out of the parked car. The jock waited as she made her way around the car before grabbing her bare waist. She shivered as his hot hands met her cold mid drift.
"I definitely won't say no to that, fuck your freezing in that thing.." His large hands rubbed her sides in a attempt to warm her up. The crop top did show off a excessive amount of skin.
"Good thing we're heading inside..." Turning to him she gave him a questioning look. "Relax I'm not like, trying anything.. Unless you want to take me for a spin then I'm all yours." A giggle fell from her lips causing a smile to appear on Zeds, she tugged his hand leading him to the front door where teens were already stumbling out of.

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