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Millicent found herself grinning so hard it hurt as she hurried down her driveway. Her boyfriend couldn't help but grin himself as he leaned comfortably against his Camaro. His emerald hair was as vibrant as ever, contrasting against the burgundy Vans hoodie and black ripped jeans he was wearing.
That was Zed, her Zed.

The teen took one last deep breath to calm his nerves before his girlfriend threw her arms around his neck tightly. Zed reacted fast, holding her right against his chest with one arm careful not to crush the single rose he held in his opposite hand.
His eyelids squeezed shut as soon as he felt her warm soft lips on his. The second their lips touched he felt a familiar rush of heat through his entire body.

"Happy Valentine's Day Princess." The teens were breathless from their passionate kiss, giggling as they looked into each other's eyes. Just like the sappy mushy couples they always made fun of..

"Happy Valentine's Day Z." She gave him one last peck on his mouth as he let her slid down his body to stand on her feet. Her boyfriend handed her the blooming rose that made her smile in the first place.
"So I got my shift covered at the shop which means I'm taking you out."
"Really?" Zed nodded, biting his lip in attempts to hide his own excitement.
"After school you need to pack a bag though before I come pick you up."
"Are we staying at your house?" The teen only chuckled as he saw his girlfriend scrunch her eyebrows together. He kissed her forehead before opening the passenger door to help her in.
"Something like that, now come on we don't want to be late." Millicent rolled her eyes playfully before sliding into the car. Like he cared about getting to school on time.


Zed came around the car opening the door for his girlfriend before taking her hand to help her out of the seat.
"Zed, no way.. This is wayyy too much!" Millicent's eyes went wide as she saw the restaurant he was leading her to.
"You always insist on paying for everything. Believe
me, I've been saying up plenty for tonight plus we have a lot to celebrate.." Millie cupped his face not caring who was watching as she kissed her boyfriend hard.
"I love you Z."
"Love you Princess."

"I have to say, I'm really surprised by all the trouble you went to for Valentine's Day.."
"Well neither of us have ever actually celebrated Valentine's Day.. and while the mushy crap nauseates me.. You deserve everything." Zed said the last part just loud enough for Millie to hear. She laced her hand with his on the table, she didn't think she was capable of smiling so much. That was until she met Zed..

"Well I'm flattered, that the star quarterback of Seabrook is willing to get mushy for me." Zed snorted, shaking his head. Lately everyone in town seemed to be talking about him in such a positive light for a change, after all the recent buzz about his college offers.
"Your the only person I'll ever get mushy for Millicent." She couldn't help but stare into his big brown eyes as they stared into hers. They were so full of light compared to when she first met him.

He had come such along way.

Zed would never be that guy that you took home to impress your parents, he would never be the type to get down on one knee, he would never be like most boyfriends...
..But that was okay, because he was Zed and as far as Millicent was concerned. He was all she needed right now.

"Wanna get out of here?" Neither of them missed the way his voice cracked or the way both of them had to swallow back that thick feeling in their throats.
"Yeah let's go."

"And a hotel? Okay how did you even get this?" They weren't even eighteen yet.
"I might've had to bribe my dad.."
"Zed you did not!"
"I got Zoey to sleep over at her friends house and I might've mentioned that we would be home tonight since we had no where to go.." Zed wiggled his eyebrows as he held up the keycard before quickly letting them into the suite. It was a simple one room, king bed suite but the rose petals on the bed and the bottle of wine on ice on the nightstand was a romantic touch.
"I also called the hotel back as my dad earlier and might have lied and told them it was our anniversary.."
"So you bribed, impersonated and lied just to get us this room?" Millicent's tone was low as her fingers worked on her boyfriends tie.
"Impressed?" She shook her head with a pretend bored expression before grabbing Zed by the collar of his shirt.
"I'm incredibly turned on." Zed smashed his lips against Millie's as she tugged his face down to meet hers. He growled as she leaned on him until they fell back against the mattress. Their hands were pulling and tugging on the fabric covering their bodies. Zed pulled back to breathe, his hands finding the zipper on the back of the tight dress. He looked nervous but Millie only cupped his cheek, urging him to go on.
"Can we go slow?" She stared at him in surprise as a light blush crept to his cheeks, he was nervous to ask.
"Always." He caught onto the double meaning, you can always tell me what's on your mind.

Give Me a Reason  [Zed Necrodopolis AU]Where stories live. Discover now