Clean Break

711 22 6

January 4th

Zed groaned, pulling his phone away from his ear he had just tried calling Millicent for what felt like the hundredth time. Straight to voicemail..again.

She had left the party without him, he had left her a drunken voicemail and a dozen texts apologizing for his behavior. Once he was sober he tried calling her again, leaving more voicemails and more texts. Driving to her house just to find it empty, she never went back home. Probably with fucking Addison and Bree.. The thought annoyed him endlessly, the cheerleaders annoyed thee shit out of him and they weren't exactly his fans. A darker set of thoughts crossed his mind, what if Millicent wasn't with the stupid cheerleaders? What if she was actually done with him? This was her breaking up with him and what if she was with someone else?
Zed's jaw clenched, he could picture someone else on top of her and the thought instantly sparked a wave of rage to flood through his body. If he found anyone touching what was his, nothing could stop him from beating them within a inch of their life..
The clock seemed to tick in slow motion, his stupid shift at Zachary's was going by way too slowly. Zed was falling apart on the inside, his brain wracking with endless possibly far fetched scenarios while his body shook with rage. It was so dead in the shop another late Sunday afternoon, no one would be in but that was probably for the best. He wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone. Millie had never gone this long without talking to him, even when she was upset at him she never just ignored him.
He fucked up so bad, the teen dropped his head into his hands. Then another torturous thought popped into his head, what if she knows? Knows about Savannah, the baby.. his baby. Zed felt like he was going to puke he needed to see Millie and talk to her.
A vibration in his pocket got his hopes up only to feel more anger enter his body, Savannah.
This was all her fault, he would've never acted like that if she had dropped the fucking pregnancy bomb on him. She was texting him because they were suppose to talk but Zed had been so busy trying to track his girlfriend down that he had put her on the back burner. Savannah was apparently getting sick of it by the tone of her text message.

Unless you want the whole school finding out about what you did, you better come over after work.

Scrubbing his hand over his face he wasn't sure how much more anxiety and anger his body could handle. She hadn't told anyone else though about her little secret, maybe there was still a chance Millie didn't know. He could still fix this..

He couldn't lose Millicent.

Millicent sat on Addison's bed, flipping through some of the photos she had on her phone. They were of Zed, yes she swiping through photos of her and Zed. He wasn't always one for photos but he took them for her. Zed does all kinds of things out of his comfort zone to make you happy..
"Oh my god enough with the sulking, you have to talk to him. I mean school is back on Monday." It was true school was back on Monday but she wasn't sure when she would see him. The semester had ended which meant they got a whole new set of classes maybe Zed wouldn't be in any of them. However she doubted that since the senior class size was so small. Fuck, She missed him so much.

"I just don't know what to say to him? It's over? How do I forgive him for being such an asshole? If I forgive him is that just saying I'm pathetic and I'll basically let him do whatever he wants?" Addison but her lip thinking over her best friends words as she tilted her head from side to side as if physically weighing the pros and cons. "Look I can't really say what's like right and wrong on how you should handle what happened between you two. Obviously you should never let a guy treat you like that.."
"Why do feel like there's a but? I thought you hated him?"
"I tolerate him because of you and Bucky but again I'm not saying what he did was okay at all not in the slightest! But it is Zed.. He has more baggage than anyone in this town, probably more than everyone combined. You know more about his demons than anyone. I use to think he was the biggest asshole around but now.. I don't know, after seeing him with you.. It's kind of like we're all meeting Zed for the first time." Millicent felt tears well up in her eyes for feeling so torn. She swore she wouldn't let another guy hurt her or treat her so poorly. "Plus like you said, he's never treated you like that something must've happened at the party. To like trigger him right?"
"H-he said this girl wouldn't leave him alone, I can't remember who she was I just remember her being short and blonde."
"Well there you go maybe she wasn't happy he's in a relationship? You did kind of destroy any chance of any other girl had of getting to hook up with him.." Millicent couldn't help but laugh as Addison made a face, they both knew Bree was kind of hoping to get the chance to hook up with Zed before graduation. She was a little butt hurt about it but she obviously was happy for Millie and Zed anyways.
"Maybe your right, thanks Addy."

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