Slow Down

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Zed wasn't usually a nervous person, but he had to take a deep breath to calm his nerves. He had taken Millie out on a few actual dates in the last couple weeks but this was different, he had never made her dinner. Tonight was the perfect night for it, his dad was on a graveyard shift and Zoey was at a sleep over. He told Millie to come over not giving her anything to go off of what he was planning. The teen was just serving up the plates and placing them on the table when there was a knock at the door.

"You okay Z?" Millie looked up at Zed as he opened the door, his cheeks were slightly flushed but what really caught her eye was the black button down he was wearing. It was casually paired with jeans, the sleeves rolled up along his forearms. She watched her boyfriend nod, shooting her his signature smirk before pulling her into his house.

Millie giggled as Zed quickly covered her eyes with his large hands, his hips pressing into her back as if to guide her forward. "Babe what are you doing?"
"Patience princess, patience." Millie felt his warm breath against her ear, she swore no matter what Zed did he always was so hot as he did it.

"If you laugh, I'm never doing this again.." Zed warned, Millicent grew nervous. What was he up too?
"I've never done anything like this for anyone but I love you and I wanted to surprise you.." His voice was slow, she could sense how nervous he was as he freely shared his feelings. She also knew it wasn't something to take lightly. He pulled his hands away from her eyes before snaking his arms around her waist. "You can open your eyes baby."

Millie gasped, shock was clear across her face. Zed's small dining room table was decorated with a vase of roses and candles. Two plates of food were steaming with steak, red potatoes and asparagus. On the wall behind the dining table was a sign, Millie instantly recognized Zoey's artwork. There was only one word on the sign decorated in snowflakes and blue streamers,


"Zed you—-oh my god.." Millie didn't even realize she was almost crying from how surprised she was. She felt her boyfriends arms tighten around her waist, he kissed her head before nuzzling his nose into her hair. Zed inhaled her sweet vanilla scent to calm his nerves while he waited for her to give him something more to go off of. Suddenly he was desperate for her to say that she'd go to the dance with him, up until this moment he hadn't given a single shit about the stupid dance.
"Baby?" Millicent spun in his arms, her hands gripped his shoulders tightly as she looked up at him in amazement. She knew Zed could be thoughtful but she never saw this coming. He hated dances, he hated relationships and all the stupid shit that came with them. Yet here he was, trying.. for her.

"I love you." Zed's chest constricted, the air leaving his lungs. Her breathless confession mixed with the way she looked up at him with those hypnotic eyes through her dark lashes hit him with a realization. Millicent Calvins had him absolutely wrapped around her little finger, hanging on her every word, desperate for every touch and kiss. What is she doing to me?
Zed was snapped out of his thoughts, Millie's lips captured his in a passionate kiss which he couldn't help but melt into. Moving his thick lips against hers, letting her lead him as she tugged him by his collar down to her height. He moaned heavily into her mouth, her fingers fisting his hair. Millie whimpered when his arm tightened around her, one of his large hands squeezing her ass through her leggings.
"Zed, please." The teen pulled away from his girlfriend, the air leaving his lungs for a second time that night. He hoisted her up against him, barely giving her time to wrap around him before he maneuvered them to his bedroom.
"I swear to fucking god Calvins your going to be the end of me.." Millie gasped as Zed bit and sucked on her neck harshly, shoving her against the back of his bedroom door. "Take your leggings off for me baby." As soon as she pulled them off Zed's fingers hooked into her panties ripping those down her legs for her to step out of as well. His belt was undone and his jeans too as they hung low on his hips. Millie held onto him when he lifted her up again, he held her against the door. Pulling out his erection he didn't give her any notice before he quickly filled her. Zed groaned loudly in satisfaction, his girlfriend struggle to breath as she was impaled by him.
"Oh my god Z.." Choked out Millie, she clung to Zed as he thrusted himself into her repeatedly, her cries for him only fueling his carnal desires.
"Feel good princess?" Zed grabbed her jaw forcing him to look at him while he held her up with his other arm and hips. She barely managed a nod whimpering and clawing his back through his shirt.
"Fuck your close already aren't you baby?" Millie whimpered even louder, fisting the material of his shirt as she climbed the peak at a alarming rate. Zed's sexy, husky voice only accelerating the process.
"Tell me how good it feels princess."
"Z please I'm so close." Zed thrusted himself into his girlfriend, stilling inside of her. Millie desperately tried moving her hips but it was no use she couldn't get any friction and wasn't able to move herself along his shaft.
"Come on baby, I wanna know how good I make you feel..."
"B-but you know you feel better than anyone I've been with." Zed slowly rocked himself back into her once, urging her to keep going.
"Your the biggest." He groaned rocking into her one more time, his hooded eyes staring into hers.
"I-l love how full you make me." Millie moaned against his lips as he pressed his mouth harshly to hers. Zed began a slow, gentle rhythm with his hips.
"Zed please, please." Millie was losing it, she was so close and so desperate to finish.
"I know baby, I know I promise I'm going to make it feel so so good." He cooed, then growled as Millie tugged the hair at the back of his head. In minutes Zed had his girlfriend whimpering his name like a personal mantra, both of them hitting their peak and falling over the cliff together in earth shattering bliss.

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