Chapter 34

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Devin's Pov

We land in Jamaica at 3:30 in the morning, my gorgeous wife is sleeping away snuggled into my side. I'm thankful I got us a private island for our honeymoon. It was something my father encouraged me to do. Privacy he said. My Haley deserved the best I could give her, and I'm damn well going to give her everything I can until the last breath of air leaves my body. I pull Haley closer into my side as the boat speeds across the waters to our own private island for the next 12 weeks. Haley sleeps soundly next to me and I wish I could be a sound a sleeper as she is.

The gentleman driving the boat tells me we've arrived to the docks so I slip him a $50 so I can take my wife into the house we'll share for our honeymoon. It's as gorgeous as it is inside as it is outside. I know she'll be pleased. I pick my beautiful wife up into my arms bridal style, she doesn't stir but she cuddles closer to my chest. I can feel my arousal growing as I kick the door closed behind us and get to work on finding the master suite.

It's three hallways and almost six different rooms before I finally locate the double doored entrance to the master suite.

I set Haley softly onto the bed, she clings to my body but once her back is on the cloud of a mattress, she pulls away and snuggles into the pillow.

She's beautiful, I remember how gorgeous she looked in her wedding dress.

She's had a long day and she definitely deserves to sleep but I simply can't resist sliding my clothes off and shimmying up next to her soft body.

I start with soft kisses up and down her neck, making her lean her head to the side giving me more access to the sweet smelling skin of hers. I lick across my mark, feeling the flames of her skin rise. I kiss her mark and I feel her body thrum awake as well as her arms move to find my body.

Her light ocean blue eyes are open now and she's staring at me like I'm her world.

I notice her lip in her mouth too.

Devil of a woman.

"Dev." Her arms wrap around my neck pulling me closer into her. I start kissing her jawline framing her face in my lips. She moans into my ear when I grip her hips.

Her lips find mine and it feels so good to kiss her again. I haven't had the taste of her mouth against mine since the airport.

Our kiss is soft and slow for the first couple seconds than she traces the outline of my lips with her tongue and I can't help but groan allowing her entrance into my mouth. The world explodes into stars as our tongues clash together and dance. I bit down softly on her lip pulling it from her mouth. She moans giving me more access to assault her lips with my own.

"Pants off." She breaks the kiss and reaches for her shorts slowly pulling them down around her ankles. Her body is arched off the bed as she slides them down around her backside. I pull her back to me so I can lay atop her body supporting my weight. I kiss her neck again and lick a trail to her breasts which peak out of a beautiful lace strapless bra.

"Dev." She moans flipping us over until she's on top.

Her hands are fisted inside my pants before I can even blink at her. She's wrapped around my cock which spasms in her hands. I can feel her tug me softly with her hands and then her hot tongue is replacing her hands and I nearly come apart right then.

I can't find words so encourage her more or to tell her to stop. My world is tilting and I can't seem to complain about it.

She pulls away just enough to lick up the precum that's beading at the tip of my shaft. She takes me back into her mouth and sucks harder and faster, looking up at me with the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen.

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