Chapter 11

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Devin's POV****

"Ma! I'm home!" I yelled once everybody was dressed and we we're in my house. I smelled Roast Beef, Potatoes, Green Beans, and Homemade Rolls. I looked to my right, to see Haley with her eyes closed smelling the air.

"Hale?" I nudged her side so she'd open her beautiful eyes.


"You OK?"

"Devin, I haven't been in this house since I left. Just getting used to it again." I pulled her into me so I could hug her, she let me hug her after a lot of resisting. I just slowly rubbed her back, while she laid her head on my chest. I love being taller then her.

"Devin Grey Alexander! I told you to find your mate instead of whoring around!" My mother yelled from behind Haley. I held Haley closer to me so she couldn't pull back.

"Ma, Dad and Me never told you, but I found my mate a long time ago. I rejected her for selfish reasons. I regret everyone of those reasons. I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to my mate. I'll travel all the way around the world and back if it'll make her happy."

"Who is she, then?" I let Haley turn around but I kept my arms around her.

"Ma, it's Haley Adams."

"I knew you two belonged together. I'm so happy for you both. Devin you know, you have to take your place as Alpha now that your declaring Haley yours."

"Yes ma'am I know. I want to talk to Hale first. She and her pack are gonna stay with us tonight."

"Your pack?"


Haley's POV*****

"Your pack?" Mrs. Linda asked me.

"Yes ma'am. My pack." I whispered to her. Devin rubbed my side again for comfort. I'm so glad I'm letting him be apart of my life.

"Well introduce me, Haley. I shall call your parents and tell them your back." I backed up shaking my head and looking for a way to escape.

"NO! Her parents are not allowed any where near her. Bethany and Alexandria are not allowed either. Her father is dead and her mother will probably be close behind. They shall spend their time in pack jail then they are band from this land." Devin snapped at his mother.

"Nonsense Devin. They are her family."

"NO! NO THEY"RE NOT! I KILLED MY FATHER TODAY. I want nothing to do with them. Devin keep them away." I put my head in Devin's chest. He wrapped his arms around me, picking me up in his arms and carrying me to I'm guessing his room. I heard the others following close behind. Devin rubbed my back before he gently laid me down on his bed. I rolled over onto my side, snuggling into the pillow for warmth.

"Guys, they are rooms right across the hall you can stay in tonight. I'll call you when dinner is ready." I heard Devin tell Aiden. I heard the door shut just before the bed dipped a little next to me.

"Hale?"  Devin whispered by my ear. I rolled over and pulled him down with me, snuggling against his side. He pulled me close to him resting his head on my head, his arms were securely wrapped around my waist.

"I'll never let anybody hurt you, baby girl" He whispered while he rubbed my back. I didn't want to go to sleep but shifting to my wolf so many different times today drained some of my energy.


"Haley baby, wake up." I could hear Devin but I didn't have the energy to open my eyes and wake up.

"Noowweee." I managed to mumble out.

"Baby aren't you hungry."

"Bringgee the food to meh."

"OK babes."

"Thank you."


"I'm back! You better be awake."


I felt the bed dip, then I was being picked up walking towards the bathroom.


He set me down in the shower, clothes on and everything, then he turned the cold shower water on.


"Awake now?"

"Can I have another hug?"


"But baby."

"Nope no hugs."

"To late!" I jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He was now as soaked as I am. He grabbed a towel, set me down on the sink, and proceeded to dry me off. I giggled like a little girl the whole time.

"Let's not do that again, OK?"

"But it was so fun."


"My clothes are wet, I don't have anymore."

"Wrap the towel around you, and you'll be fine."


"You smell so good."

"Kiss me."

"Wait what?"


"You're serious?"


He picked me up off the sink counter, wrapped my legs around him. I tugged on his shirt as he devoured my lips. His kiss was slow and easy, then fast and hungry for more. I was the one to pull back first only for him to pull me back, devouring my lips with his one more time. He asked for entrance and I quickly gave to him. His tongue ravished my mouth. Sucking, tasting, licking, we fought for dominance, which he won.

"I love you Haley."

"I love me too."

"Say it."

"I love me too?"

He grabbed my ass. "Say it!"

"Ahh! I love you Devin."

"Good Girl."

"I'm not a dog."

"Not right now."

"Oh bite me."

"I will. Soon enough." He licked the spot on my shoulder he's gonna mark me at. I shivered at the shocks that went threw my body,

"You like that?"

"Ye- No"

"Don't lie." He licked my shoulder again.





"Devin Grey!" His mom yelled up the stairs.

"Is that loud enough?"

"Shut up."

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now