Chapter 32

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Haley's POV**

After leaving Austin's diner, we all headed to the airport, Chris is coming with us so he can be with Anna I had to tell him that Devin picked all of his groomsmen already so he'd have to sit watching Anna walk down the isle with another male wolf, lets just say he wasn't happy.

I sat down in my seat once I boarded the plane, I had no intentions of staying awake so I fluffed my pillow pulled a blanket around me, shut the window found my ear buds and soon fell asleep to Three Days Grace.


I was woken up by Anna once we landed back in Georgia, I put my blanket and pillow back in my carry on bag but kept my earbuds in, I'm seriously nervous at this point, I'm getting married tomorrow at 3:00pm. What girl wouldn't be?

I rested my head on Elana's shoulder while we waited for Linda to get here, she was taking everybody else home while she took me out for my appointment to get my nails done. Devin will be home tonight too but we won't be able to see each other till tomorrow when I walk down the isle. Mr. Rick picked up all my things as I sat down in the backseat with everybody else, somehow Chris fit in here with all the luggage and people.

All the girls got out along with Mr. Rick and Chris leaving Linda and me, she pulled out of the driveway off towards the nails salon.

"Are you nervous Haley?" Linda spoke first after the awkward silence blanketed us.

"Yes mom."

"You shouldn't be babygirl, Devin loves you and you love him, there is nothing to be worried about, everything will go greatly."

"I know mama, its not nerves of 'what if he doesn't show' its just nerves of anxiety."

"You're ready to get married?"


"Well thats a wonderful thing."

"I know, I mean when he was in Vegas I just kept thinking he'd cheat on me since it was his last couple days a free person."

"My boy would never do that to the woman he loves."

"Thats what I told myself."

"Have you called him?"


"You should."

I thought about Linda's proposition so I called Devin.


"Hey baby."

"Hello Mrs. Haley Alexander."

"What are you doing baby?

"Sittin in the hotel with the boys packin up everything for the trip home."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes of course. Did you?"

"Yes, I met an Alpha."

"Of what pack?"

"He didn't tell me but his name is Austin."

"I know who you're talking about."

"He was really nice."

"I'm happy for you baby."

"I'm with your mom."

"You're already back?"

"Yeah, the girls decided we should leave early so we wouldn't have to worry about getting in late."

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