Chapter 7

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We nipped and played at each others mouths for a few minutes. He got back up on all fours, walking around me, rubbing his body against mine. I whimpered when he nipped at my back legs, motioning me to sit. I sat, curling my tail to my side. He nipped at my shoulders, and I knew his wolf had taken over. I got back up turning towards him, his eyes were black with lust, I remembered I was in heat and he smelled it. I growled at him, when he nipped at me again.

I turned around, tucked my tail between my legs, and sat down. He nipped at my shoulders, and I bit at his muzzle. He growled back at me, I huffed it off. I waited till I had his distracted. I stood up, looking back at him. His head moved back down to my hind legs, sniffing and licking my legs up to my tail. I whined at him, to stop teasing. He got himself ready, just as he was gonna jump me, I took off running through the woods. I turned around to see him still standing where I left him completely shocked at my actions. I kept running forward, pushing myself faster. After a while I heard him behind me.


Devin's POV**

She licked my muzzle, completely taking me off guard. I licked back only on instinct. Having her back in my life was amazing, I was so content and happy. Her scent was intoxicating, my wolf was fighting me, I could feel myself giving in, then I blacked out.

I knew I was standing up and behind her now. God her scent was amazing back here, I felt myself nip at her legs for her to sit down, she sat, I nipped at her shoulders so she'd lay down for me. She refused, turning around to look at me. I nipped at her so she'd turn back around, it didn't work head first. She turned back around, tucked her tail and sat down. You have her now, come on take her, its just to easy I nipped at her shoulders again, and she snapped at my muzzle. I growled at her, she had no idea how much she turned me on with just the little things she does. I sniffed down her legs, licking the scent off of her. I got ready to mount her when she took off running. I mentally slapped myself for letting my wolf take over.

I took off after her, after she got a good head start. Silly girl, she knows I'm faster. I gained on her quickly.


Haley's POV***

I jumped into the lake, totally taking him off guard. I swam around in my wolf form, knowing if I shifted I'd be completly naked for Devin to see. He jumped in after me, swimming beside me. We licked at each other, before we got tired and made our way back to the shore. I laid down in the grass, him laying behind me, resting his head on my back.

An hour later...

I apparently had fallen asleep. Waking up to Aiden's voice in my head is not how I wanted to wake up.


'Ugh! Thanks for waking me up Mr. Grumpy Paws. Devin is here with me, we went swimming in the lake last night, got tired and slept on the shore. Nothing happened Mr. Badass.'

'Better not have happened. YOU. ARE. MINE!'

'Get over it Aiden. I'm not yours. Devin is my mate!'

'Get home, Blake is going nuts not knowing where you are.'

'On my way'

I nudged Devin. Nothing. I nudged him again. Nothing. I licked his muzzle. Nothing. I got up walking around him. I made my move. I pounced on him, waking him up, as soon as I pulled his ear into my mouth.

He rolled us over, licking up and down my neck. I whined for him to stop. I knew if he kept going, I'd end up a mated female.

'I'm already in big trouble with Aiden. Devin stop! I have to go'

'Aiden can come to be if he's pissed. Your mine, baby girl. I'm the only one that can please you.'

'Yes Devin.' I nipped at his neck, he got off, I took off back to the house with Devin hot on my heels.


I opened the door, making my way up the stairs, into my bathroom to shower. I shifted to my human, getting into the shower doing my thing. I wrapped a towel around myself getting out. I walked out, Devin was sitting on my bed with a pair of Ashtoyn's shorts on. I walked to my closet, got some relaxing clothes, made my way over to Devin.





"Devin I'm not in the mood to argue. Get off my bed and on the couch"

"Nope, you can lay down beside me. I won't do anything."

"Lucky little shit. I'm too tired to fight." I crawled up beside him, taying my head down on the pillow falling quickly into sleep. Devin had his arms wrapped around me, holding me tight agaisnt him.

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