Chapter 12

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The beautiful Alex Evans who plays Devin on the side


Haley's POV***

"You really need to keep your thoughts of Haley naked to yourself, I'm pretty sure the pack is very disturbed now." Mrs. Linda yelled from the bottom of the stairs, Devin started laughing but I'm pretty sure I had the look of pure embarrassment on my face. Devin can be so bad sometimes.

"I'm not disturbed." I heard Devin's little brother Cody say from outside Devin's door.

"I'll give you 5 seconds to get your ugly ass away from my mate and get the images out of your head before I personally rip it off your shoulder..." Devin hissed out at poor little Cody.

"Devin Grey, you apoligize to your brother right now. Cody you leave your brother alone." Mrs. Linda yelled up the stairs again to break the boys up before anything stupid happened.

Cody walked down the stairs like his mom said, which left Devin and me upstairs in his room. I quickly remembered the food that he brought up here for me to eat, it was probably getting cold but I didn't care, food is food and I'm gonna eat. I walked over to his bed, where the tray of food was. Yum! Roast Beef. I grabbed the napkin he brought me, placed it on my lap and started devouring my food.

"Hungry much?" Devin said after a while of eating my yummy delicious food.

"Are you gonna say that when I'm pregnant with your pup?" I told him without looking up from my food.

"P- Pup? So I have a chance?"

"No promises."

"You can only get pregnant with my pups."

"Doesn't matter."

"But you just said."

"I know what I said. It's up to my wolf, when she thinks we're ready. She'll let me know."

"I'll pursuade her."

"You can try."

"What? With these looks? Ha! I could pursuade a Nun."


He snickered but I never once glanced up at him, right now food was way more important. 'Huh I wonder where the boys are?'

'The room across the hall.' Blake thought to me.

'Woah! I almost forgot we can communicate through thoughts.'

'It's not hard to forget.'


'Yes master.'


'Yes Darth Vador.'


'What? I'm having fun.'

'Have fun in somebody elses head.'

'You're fun to play with.'


'Look who's all dirty now.'

'What? I'm with Devin, how in the hell am I suppose to be?'

'Innocence Hale! Innocence.'

'What the fuck ever.'

"Haley?" Devin brought me out of my thought conversation with Blake.


"Wanna for a quick run?"

"Anymore Werecats?"

"Shouldn't be."

"Dammit! I enjoyed that."

"I bet you did."

We started walking down the stairs to his back yard to shift and go for a quick run before anybody wanted to join us. I'd steal quick glances at Devin every now and then when he didn't know. He grabbed my hand as we walked out into the woods more. I hid behind a tree, taking my clothes off so they wouldn't be torn to shreds, Devin did the same thing at a different tree. The magical air around us began to blow as our wolves took over our bodies. Devin was a good 2 ft taller then me, dark brown with black paws, the prettiest black eyes you've ever seen.

'This way' He thought to me, which scared me because I was checking out how sexy his wolf is. I quickly started following him through the trees at a fast run.


Devin's POV***

I watched from the side as Haley ran beside me, I loved the way the breeze swept threw her fur, pushing it back. Her scent was completely intoxicating sense she is in heat, she'd be like this for the next couple days. I don't think the pain bothers her anymore or she'd let me know. I've seen the way other male wolves look at her, it makes me want to rip their heads off completely. Haley's wolf was a grey white, she was a little shorter then me being a female, she had the most gorgeous blue eyes in the history of blue eyes. I could stare at them for days.

She quickened her pace a little, flicking her tail in my face. I playfully nipped at it, since her heat was all over her body. My wolf was howling for me to take her, but I pushed him away because I wanted my Haley to be ready when we mated. I wanted to make slow, long, passionate love to her all night long. Sensing my thoughts, Haley turned towards me showing the biggest toothy weird looking wolf grin and she pounced on me sending us rolling across the forest floor.

Now, this would be really awkward if this was a forest near humans. I mean come on, to abnormally giant bear like animals rolling around, jaws snapping, claws playfully scratching across the ground. I loved how Haley was slowly opening up to me, it wouldn't be long till she was completely mine and only mine. We'd rule our pack with strength and power!

Haley nipped at my ear playfully, growling in my ear. I rolled her over so I was on top.


She shifted under my wolf, her cool skin was silky smooth under me. I shifted, laying on top of her naked, I don't think it bothered her much because she wrapped her arms around me rolling us around so she was on top.

"Haley" I managed to moan out, feeling her this close to me was killing me each and every way.

"Devin." She started grinding agaisnt me, slowly making me hard with each thrust. She smiled her little flirty smile but continued teasing me, my member rubbed up agaisnt her entrance, she shuddered on top of me which made me bone even more.

"What are you doing, little girl?" I hissed in a polite way towards her.

"Pleasuring my man."

"Your man? We offical now?"

"Make it original, Devin."

I rolled us back over with her underneath me, I leaned in close like I was going to kiss her, but moved over to her shoulder, licking the place I'm going to mark her as mine.

"Haley Lizebeth Adams? Will you make me the happiest wolf alive by being my girlfriend?"

"Cheesy, but yes Devin Grey Alexander I will be the happiest she wolf alive by being your girlfriend."

I crashed my lips down to hers, devouring everything that is her out on the forest floor, in the middle of nowhere, naked as the day I was born, loving every fucking moment of it.

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now