Chapter 26

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Haley's POV**

'I can't believe you left me out there!? I could've died!' Blake has been going on and on in my head about how we left him. If I didn't know better I'd swear he's a over dramatic girl. I've tried to tell him more then once that I was taking care of Alpha business and Devin just decided to come along. He didn't buy it.

After a couple hours I blocked him out of my head cause I had more important matters to deal with. Aiden will regret everything he's done to them. Along with Blake, Devin has been annoying me. He keeps whimpering and crying behind me trying to nudge my side so I 'notice' him. I nipped at his face when he shoved me out of the way making me lose my balance and make me nearly fall on my face.

I sped my run up so I was in front of Devin by a lot. I skidded to a stop a few feet from the house when I picked up on the conversation Aiden was having with my third in command Ashtoyn.

"I'm just passing through to see if two of my pack members have passed through here." Aiden's voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand. My lip rolled back in a snarl when I saw some of his 'boys' out in the front of my house. Devin was still behind me so he hadn't caught on to my mood.

I walked around the corner of the house with my head low ready for any attack that came my way. I probably looked rabid right now but I don't really care. I'm one pissed off Alpha Female. Ashtoyn quid in on my warning growl cause he was in my head in an instant.

'Haley? Whats up?' His voice was no doubtingly nervous from my stance.

'What have you told him?'

'That his pack hasn't crossed our path.'



'I'll tell you later.'

Aiden turned around when his boys perked up in their fighting stance. I kept my eyes on them instead of anybody else. I just pray Devin doesn't walk up with the twins behind him. Just my effin' luck.

"Haley? Where the hell did you go?" Devin sounded pissed and he reeked of the twins. My eyes closed when Aiden turned around to Devin with a smirk on his face. I growled at Adam when he walked around the corner with his sister in new clothes. Their faces dropped when they caught sight of Aiden. I trotted over to them with my loving Luna mindset.

"We'll be going now, Alpha Devin and Luna Haley. Thank you for finding my two pack members." Aiden stepped off the porch and towards the twins. I growled a warning to him but he rolled it off his shoulder. He took a step closer motioning for them to follow and I let lose.

I growled snapping my teeth. Devin went to push the twins out of the way when I launched myself at Aiden. I bit down on his shoulder earning a rough hand on my side pushing me away. I whimpered as I flew through the air from Aiden's push. Aiden shredded his clothes in a shift towards me. My ears were flattened back as I stood my ground on defense.

'Oh look at the pretty little wolf trying to defend two mutts she doesn't even know.' I snapped my jaws at Aiden's muzzle. He had me pinned to the ground pretty quickly but this was apart of my distraction, I lax-ed under him showing all signs of surrender when he looked in Devin's way was when I bucked him off grabbing a hold of his neck. I shook him around like a play toy until I tore skin I dropped his now limp body on the ground trotting around him in a circle.

'Get up. Get up! What now Aiden? Big bad wolf doesn't know what to do?' I growled in his ear as his eyes followed my every move. He stood dusting himself off before he reared up at me going for my shoulder which he got but he left his shoulder open for me. We rolled around breaking trees and the white fence around our house. Blood was shed not enough to kill but enough to warn.

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