Chapter 14

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Devin's POV***

Why is she running away from me? I thought as I chased after her and the two idiots that decided to follow her, I'm truly glad they did, they'd be able to protect my little girl while she was away from me.

I remember her running away from me towards the house, I laid down for a little while thinking I'd better cool off before I go and see her, then I sensed she wasn't close to me anymore so I went looking. I looked for hours. Blake left with her, son of a bitch he probably wanted her all to himself. No I will not let that happen. I howled up to the moon, hoping her wolf would try to communicate with me.. No luck! I remember searching some more then I completely blacked out..

I'm guessing that's why she's running, I scared her when I let my wolf take over. Her neck was bleed, I did that.. She must have gotten me too cause my side just now started healing some.

She was getting tired of running, I knew this by the way her foot falls weren't as quick and swift as when she started. I was at least 2 wolves behind her, if I pounced a little I'd be right on top of her. Good idea!

I prepared myself to jump, I was souring through the air when she moved over to the side changing direction. I hit a tree... and it hurt...broke the tree though. I quickly got up and took back off chasing after my fast little girl.

I regained my time by taking a few short cuts, I was starting to smell her scent again so I knew exactly where she was. Silly girl water doesn't last forever, she's sweating which means she tired. There was a rustle to my side in the bushes, I slowed, smelling the air, my little girl was hiding behind a bush.. but where are the others! Oh whatever, she's here now.

'Hale?' I thought to her after standing there for a while.

'Go away.'

'Haley baby. I'm sorry! I'll never block you out of my mind again, I'll never let my wolf take over myself when I'm around you. Baby, I never meant to hurt you. You know that. I love you Haley. I love everything about you. Baby please stop running from me' I begged with her in my mind hoping and praying she'd listen. God must truly love me, because she limped out from behind the bush. I immedietly went over to her.

'Hale baby what's wrong?' Her limping was starting to bother me.

'My legs just hurt from running, nothing terrible.' She rubbed up agaisnt my side, her head was on my shoulder while mine was on hers. She truly smelled amazing, lemon and jasmine! I licked at her neck to help her heal faster, she licked my side I flinched away at the pain but it went away when she kept licking. After everything healed she laid down resting her head on her front paws.

My baby was truly beautiful every which way!


Haley's POV**

I was so damn tired of running I gave up and let Devin near me and I even talked to him. I don't know about you but thats a big ass accomplishment in my book. We laid under the sun for a little longer before he stood up, motioning for me to follow. After what seemed like hours, I started notcing the scenery changing, I looked up and there stood Blake and Ash up agaisnt a black hummer with a bag full of my clothes. Blake handed them to me, while Ash petted my head. I playfully nipped at his hand, he knew better then to pet me.. I'm not one to be petted, makes me feel like an animal. No pun!

I ran behind a tree, shifting and changing in a matter of seconds. I walked back out from the tree, my hair was super messy and all over the place. I pushed Ash for petting me, he didn't budge. Stupid Muscles. He'd kill to hear me say that out loud but I won't for the sake of everybody. I got in the hummer with Devin in the back seat, Blake and Ash sat up front driving back to the pack house. I got tired after a while and laid in Devin's lap.

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