Chapter 27

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Devin's POV**

"I do Mr. Devin Grey Alexander." I heard Haley whisper right before she fell back asleep. I fealt her jump so I woke to see what was the matter when I heard her whisper those 6 words. Huh? What is she talking about?

Gosh, I gotta get this wedding planned. I don't even know where it's gonna be. The date is set for August 14, but the location is undecided. I think I'll let Haley choose the location since I chose the date. I think we should have it out back in the woods where there's this beautiful field full of Arbutus Flowers. I definitely think there because the meaning of Arbutus is: I love only Thee.


I glanced at the clock to see it shining bright with 6:30am. I gently lifted Haley's arm from around my side and she curled it up to her. I slowly crept out of bed making sure not to wake her up, the wedding is in 2 1/2 months so I need to jump and get invites sent out, RSVP's, how many guests.

Blake is going to be my best man along with Ashtoyn. They've been with Haley since the beginning and our basically like brothers to her. My dad will be giving her away to me since her dad is...diciest. Aiden said he might come to crash but he's not sure, I hope him and Haley make up cause she's been down ever since he left.

I turned the water on in the shower, locking the door behind me because I don't really want Haley in here right now if she woke up. I just need time to think.


Haley's POV**

You know that feeling? That funny feeling? You get when you just wake up.. You know? That feeling where you're half asleep half awake? Yeah I have the feeling. To top it all off Devin ins't here in bed.

I rolled around from side to side, rolling the covers around me and in the end I just looked like one of those Mexican side dishes. You know the rolled up things? Not the barritos. Not the tacos. Damn I forgot.

I rolled until I rolled right off the bed, with a loud THUMP! And trust me, it hurt. Nobody came to my rescue so everyone must still be asleep. I unrolled myself realizing I'm still naked from last night.

"Shit." I heard Blake mumble as he slammed the bedroom door shut quickly. I giggled to myself, its not the first time he's seen me naked but its the first time he actually knows why I'm naked. Oh the images.

"Do you mind putting some clothes on?" He walked in the room with a hand tightly around his eyes. I laid my head down, slowed my heart, and waited.

See the thing with Blake is, he's not that bright. He doesn't understand that when I don't answer means he should peak to see where I'm at. He didn't. So I waited. And? You ask what I'm doing? Ha wait and see.

a 1...a 2...a 3 and splat. Blake is now laying on my naked body. Ha! The bathroom door swung open and out came a very pissed off Devin.

"Oh shit!" Both Blake and me yelled at the same time as Devin stalked over to us throwing Blake against the wall.

I don't know about you but have I been here before? In this situation? Hehehe!

"Ok! I guess I'm gonna go fall down the stairs now." I hoped up of the floor dusting myself off before I skipped down the hallway to the stairs. Devin and Blake closely behind me. Ha this is gonna be fun.

I turned around quickly stumbling to my left some but I gripped the railing on the side. I smiled to myself sticking my tongue out at the two boys looking at me with wide eyes.

I kept backing up and backing up till I hit something very firm, and very hard but yet soft and squishy. I slowly turned around only to look up at the 6 foot 6 figure standing behind me.

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