Chapter 3

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Pic of what I think Liam looks like


Devin growled when I sat down in Blake's lap, but it didn't bother me, made me want to do more stuff to piss him off, that was the plan anyway.

Mr.Scullers the English/History teacher walked in, looked at Blake and Me, I was still on Blake's lap and I had no intentions of moving.

"Who are you two?" was the only thing he could come up with.

"Your worst stay outta out business, and we'll stay outta yours. OK?"  my sarcastic comment didn't sit to well with Mr. Badass of a teacher.

"Young lady, I am your teacher, so I better not hear anything like that ever come out of your nasty little mouth again. OK?"

Did he just say my mouth was ugly? Oh hell no. Blake's grip tightened around me, cause he knew if he didn't hold on, Sculler's head was gonna be on the floor in 2.5 seconds.

"U..u..ugly? Did you just call my mouth ugly? Hell no, Mr. whoever the fuck you think you are! I'll show you what you can shove in your ugly little fu-"

That was all that got out before Devin interrupted me. God, that voice, so 'effin sexy! "Sir, can I speak with you outside please? Like now." his gorgeous voice said.

"Mr.Alexander, I think your talk can wait, I'm dealing with a disrespectful student." Disrespectful? Did he just say I was disrespectful. God, I'm gonna have so much fun making the rest of his school year miserable as hell.

"No sir, I don't think it can wait." my gorgeous mate's voice...ugh, sexy as hell. He got up walked past Blake and Me, brushing up against my arm, oh the shocks...there amazing! Devin and the teacher walked out of the room and came back 10 minutes later. Blake and Me were still talking about what we were gonna do, and what's up with Aiden and his amazing idea for us to go to school.

"Mrs. Adams I apologize for my outburst, it won't happen again." I looked at the teacher, noticed a red ring around his neck, looked back over to Devin and he was smirking.

"Damn straight it won't happen again. I'll make sure you regret it." I replied with.

That class went by fairly decent, next class was a pain, it seemed every class I had Devin and his whore had it too. Lunch was my 5th period and by the time it rolled around I wasn't even hungry. I hung out with my crew whenever I saw them, and hung around Blake whenever I saw Devin. Devin tried to make small talk but I never was in the mood to conversate with him.

I found the table where my crew had pushed 2 tables together, I grabbed a fruit cup from the buffet and sat down next to Blake, and Aiden sat down next to me. Aiden asked how my day was going and I just simply answered uneventful and I was starting to get bored of school there was nobody here worthy of me hanging out with. I heard some rustling behind me, I quickly turned around, some jock that thought he was so cool had a little nerdy kid pushed up against the wall holding him by his throat. Oh hell no! I pushed myself away from the table, got up and walked straight over to this little incident.

"Exuse me?" no answer "Exuse me?" still no answer "Hey buddy, Exuse me?" still no damn answer, I was getting pissed off even more so what did I do, you ask? I shoved him, I pushed him so hard the nerdy kid went down with him. "Why don't you pick on somebody your own size jackass? Hell I'm not even your size and I just taped you and you feel over. What a bully you are? Letting a girl kick your ass."  He let the nerd kid go and got up quickly backing away from me. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up off the ground. "Next time I see you bullying anybody, I make sure it's the last thing you do. I'll personally cut your balls off and feed them to you. Oh wait do you even have any? I know for a fact if I was a guy, mine would be triple the size of yours. So stay the fuck away from anybody and everybody or you'll answer to me. Got it? Good!"  I said walking away with the nerd kid that I know just call him kid, it's easier and less insulting.

I pushed my way threw the crowd to get back to the table, my boys were looking at me impressed. I pushed Aiden over, and motioned for the nerdy kid to sit down, he did after a little hesitation. I grabbed him an apple, me a slice of watermelon, and sat back down next to Blake and kid.

"Hey Kid, whats your name? Cause I feel a little awkwardness between us two when I call you Kid." I stared at him for a little while.

"LIam...Liam Cross." he said after what seemed like hours. "How old are you LIam?" he gulped down some water then said proudly "16."

"Good, you'll fit in with us perfectly. Urm.. you know for a nerdy kid, you do dress in a lot of black?"

"Yeah I know, I'm more of a guy that keeps to himself. Never fit in with anybody, so I'm more of a loner."

"Sounds cool, Blake, you, and me will get along great!" "Right Blake?" I nudged Blake's arm so he'd pay attention. "Huh? uh-huh yeah we'll get along great." damn, that's all the dumb ass could come up with...Sad just plain sad.

"Ok Liam. Introduction time everybody! Remember make sure you make a complete idiot out of yourself when you hear your name..." "Ready?"

"READY!" "OK!"

"Liam this is Blake, Storey, Celest, Amanda, Ashtoyn, Elana, Jessie, Asher, Tori, Trevor, Tyler, and Aiden."

Blake decided he was gonna back flip of the table, Storey jumped around like an idiot, Celest did devil horns, Amanda danced, Ashtoyn flipped me off, Elana crossed her eyes, Jessie smiled like a dork, Asher did some type of stripper dance, Tori fell of her seat, Trevor bit his tongue, Tyler kissed Aiden, and Aiden just waved.

"Ok Tyler, what the hell was that?" Aiden and me said.

"Friendly, retarded, love towards our Alpha gesture!" Tyler said proudly.

"Nope don't think so, your in love with Aiden... ha ha ha!" I yelled so the entire caf could hear.

"HELL NO! I don't roll that way Haley, you wish I did." Tyler scoffed at me.

"uh-huh sure okay, whatever you say pretty boy." I scoffed back

~The bell rang, signaling lunch was over~

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