Chapter 25

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Devin's POV**

I watched my beautiful Haley as she slept in my arms while we waited for the doctor to come back with her checkup results. She had an arm secured around my front with her head on my chest while both of my arms wrapped around her with my head resting on hers. She would moan in her sleep every few minutes and honestly she was driving me crazy. Not having her for so long literally kills me especially when I'm practically locking my wolf up so he doesn't hurt her now. It's the next day after the full moon but I still feel the need for her. I'm so glad she's better now so I can take her home and ravish that sexy ass body of hers that I've missed so much. I absentmindedly started rubbing her ass, she moved under me grinding herself into my leg. Her wolf purred next to me only making mine prance around with anticipation.

I shook her awake when the doctor walked back in with a smile on his face and what looked like to be discharge papers; thank God!

"Well Ms. Adams. Looks like your checkup went pretty well, you can function just fine without any help, your speech is perfect, you're remembering things just fine, and it looks like you have a very loving mate right next to you that's willing to go above and beyond for anything you need. I just need either one of you to sign a few places right here and you're good to go." I felt Haley shake beside me with joy. The smile on her face made my day complete. Seeing her happy was everything I needed.

She raised up from my side grabbing the pen the doctor gave her so she could sign her signature on the dotted line. I saw her write something else on the side so I raised up as well to see. On every line she wrote:

Haley Lizbeth Adams Alexander -"To Infinity and Beyond!"

Her face blushed when I started laughing at her randomness with Buzz Lightyear. If thats even his name. Hell I haven't watched any kids shows in forever. That stopped a very long time ago like when I was 5 maybe 10 who knows. I was 11 when I started watching action movies then expanded my horizons and found out there's this nifty little thing called porn. Every male goes through the stage of finding himself; puberty. Lets just say I was in the bathroom with the door locked for a long time and I had to take cold showers 24/7.

The doctor laughed at Haley's signature before he handed her the bag I packed her full of clothes so she could change. I might've stolen a pair of her panties just for keepsake whenever the time comes. I packed her one of her favorite band shirts Hollywood Undead some skinny jeans that make her ass look perf, and some VANS. Bra and Panties don't count since she has those already on.

The nurses came in behind the doctor so they could unhook her from all the wires and needles. She flinched a little when they took the IV out of her arm but a quick kiss from me and she was fine and dandy all over again. I held onto her sides as she pulled up her jeans and slung her hospital gown across the room leaving just her and me in the room with her wearing jeans and a bra. Holy hell can you say gorgeous.

My hands traveled up from her sides to cup those perky little beautiful mounds on her chest. She giggled before squirming away from me complaining that my hands were too cold. I'll show her cold when we get home. I smell a punishment for telling me to keep my hands to myself from my beautiful mate.

"Ready? Cause I need to get the hell outta this hospital. I'm ready to go home." Her voice was soft but you could hear a hint of annoyance in the background so I decided I was gonna take my dear time getting back to the pack house. Since I'm pretty sure we won't have any alone time since the pack has been worried sick about their Luna.

I grabbed her hand as we walked out of the room and into the elevator with Blake behind us. He found out the cafe had blue jello so he brought him and Haley some. They were both chowing down to it while we walked to the car. Haley's full lips were as blue as the sky when we reached the car. I pecked her on the corner of the mouth getting a slight taste of blue raspberry along with it.

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