Chapter 33

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I felt something hard jump onto my body making me groan in frustration and roll over pulling the pillow with me, then like night is day the blankets were ripped away from me leaving me cold and angry. I shot up looking for the person to blame. Linda, Elana and all my girls were staring at me with wide eyes as I growled from my bed at all of them. Realizing I won't be able to go to sleep again, I swung my legs over the massive amount of pillows on my right side landing on the floor. I glared at everybody before pushing myself off the bed and into the bathroom, I turned the light on before quickly turning it back off and fumbling to find my toothbrush but remembering I put it back in my night bag when I was done with it lastnight, I unzipped the bag searching through things for the little brush and toothpaste; I grabbed my brush, paste, and hair brush.

I rubbed my eyes from the sleep and brushed my teeth at the same time making sure to get them squeaky clean for my wedding today...

I'm getting married the love of my mate...what if he's late?...what if something happens and we have to cancel?...ugh I can't let myself think like that but I just can't help it, all the while I was preparing myself for a shower 'what if's' were running threw my head like crazy.


After a very long warm shower of scrubbing my skin raw to make sure it was clean, I stepped out of the shower to be instantly wrapped in a robe and slippers slipped on my feet...I think I could get used to this.

I was pushed over to a makeup table, pushed into a seat where I let some lady I'd never met before do my face while another lady did my hair while another lady prepared my dress.

"Haley this is Amanda your Makeup Artist and this is her daughter Elizabeth your Hair Stylist." I said my hellos at both of them before I just let myself relax while they made me look pretty.

I could feel Elizabeth separating my hair into parts before she began to blow dry it while her mother cleaned my face some before adding foundation and concealer.

I was told to blink, look up, look down, move this way or that way, focus on Amanda, anything in the book while she did my face. Elizabeth kept asking me if I was tender headed which I replied with a no.

I glanced at my phone in my lap and the time was 12:45pm, I started to panic which Linda came over to me calming me down some, Elizabeth still wasn't done with my hair and I didn't know when she would be done so I was having a mini heart attack.


After about another hour, Elizabeth was done with my head and the girls were guiding me over to a little changing area where they pushed me behind a on-the-go wall where I stripped out of my robe putting my white strapless bra and matching lace thong on. Linda and Elana came around the wall with my dress in hand, I stretched my arms to the ceiling and the slid it over my head trying not to mess up my hair or makeup; the succeeded.

Linda slipped on my clear strapped heels making my 5 foot 11 frame atleast 6 foot something, I was against the whole veil thing so that was replaced with a good size tiara.

I walked around the wall making everybody break out into a bunch of 'You look gorgeous'.

I blushed making everybody chuckle softly, I looked into the mirror and absolutely fell in love with myself, the way my hair cascaded down my sides really brought out the color of my eyes and made the dress look really flashy.

Linda handed me my bouquet of white roses with small red roses added in. I held back the tears that threatned to mess up my make up.


Devin's POV**

I've been awake for a little while now at the pack house, I've still been trying to contimplate my marriage today, I just can't believe its today, I'm so over joyed that I'm marrying the love of my life; The girl of my dreams.

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now