Chapter 2

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Two Years Later...

Blake and Me were apart of a pack of rouges, call me crazy, but we fit in pretty well. Our fighting skills enhanced, I was known as The Killer White Wolf. I could take down 6 rouges all on my own, without a single bit of help. Blake's wolf was a dark brown, and he could take down a few rogues too.

Our pack consisted of 15 wolves, Aiden the pack Alpha, Tori, Jackson, Tyler, Jessie, Asher, Trevor, Ashtoyn, Elana, Storey, Celest, Amanda, Blake, and Me. Basically we're the strongest pack of rogues in this territory, we're 3 cities over from my ex pack. I wanted to get away as far as I could just in case the demons came looking for their punching bag, I wouldn't tolerate it if my ex father dared to hit me, I'd have to tear his head off.

"Haley?" Aiden yelled.

"Come on, we have to go, time for school." Blake said walking into my room.

"ughhh... really? Can't we just skip?" I said looking at Blake with my puppy dog eyes.

"Nope, you'll only piss Aiden off if you don't hurry, so come on." he said pulling me out the door.

30 minutes later...

Pulling into the parking lot of the same school I used to go to when I was a school punching bag. Most of the boys had motorcycles so, I got to drive Aiden's black camero to school. The windows were tinted to nobody knew who I was when I pulled up. Oh and may I remind you, the demons I used to call parents made up a little story that I ran away from home, because I didn't get something I wanted. So I decided to throw a fit and wait for it.. kidnap Blake and take him with me. Blake is older then me, and how do you kidnap someone that's willing to get the hell outta this town?

I found the lot of my crew still on their motorcycles, waiting for me to pull in beside them. Blake was the only one that knew about Devin, I'd have to find some way to tell Aiden about it so he'd understand why I'm gonna be aggressive towards Devin and his friends. I heard a wolf whistle come from Ashtoyn, so I looked up to see him checking me out.

"Hey Sexy Stuff, why don't you come over here so I can pleasure you every way I know how." Ashtoyn thinks he's a sexy god so he's always flirting with girls. Plus he's like my brother so we always tease each other sexually.

I skipped right over to him like one of those bubbly flirtatious whores, and I stopped right in front of him, leaned in really close to his ear "Oh Ashtoyn, you know how much I'd love to, right here right now, on the hood of Aiden's car. Mmm.. what a turn on." I pulled back and started walking to the office, when Ashtoyn started to walk to me and doubled over falling on his face. I turned around as soon as he hit the ground and started busting up laughing. The entire time I had his attention I was undoing his belt and unbuttoning his jeans so when he started to walk his pants would fall right off.

"" I said between laughs. He had his Winie the pooh boxers on, and the entire 6th-12th grade saw. All my boys were on the ground laughing, the girls walked away, cause we always draw way to much attention to ourselves, but it was so worth it to see Ashtoyn's face 3 different shades of red. He started to get up, pull his pants up and walk towards me.

"Oh no! Don't you even think about it." I said running backwards, running into a rock solid body. The shocks that went up my arms only let me know that the person behind me was none other then my mate that rejected me.

My body stiffened, and Ashtoyn picked me up throwing me over his shoulder, spanking my butt. I tried to kick him hard enough in the chest so he's put me down, but nothing worked till I heard a growl come from behind me. I busted up laughing then, and fell off Ashtoyn's shoulder, which did hurt but I didn't have time to cry or whine about it, I got right back up, fixed my shirt, and walked to the office with my crew behind me. Aiden walked in front after a while when we started getting close to the office. The woman at the front desk happened to not be in a good mood, and when she saw a bunch of rogues walking into the office, she got bitchy. (which only made it better for me)

"Ma'am can I please have the schedules for Haley Adams, Blake Smith, Torey Bermuda, Celest Bermuda, Amanda Taylor, Ashtoyn Star, Elana Wesley, Jessie Carter, Asher Bermuda, Victoria Bermuda, Trevor Alex, Tyler Bermuda, and myself Aiden Bermuda." he asked the office lady who seemed to have her head up her ass.

She did some typing on her computer, then 14 schedules were printed out and handed to us. She set them on her little table for us to grab. She never looked at us till the papers were on the table.

"Haley Adams? Aren't you Abigail Ad-" she started to say before I interuppted her.

"No, I'm not related to that whore at all, who'd wanna be? I mean just plan disgusting. I see her down on the corner at the strip club every Friday night. That's just nasty." I told her with utter disgust.

We all walked out exchanged which classes we're in, Blake and Me had pretty much all the same classes, which was a good thing, I'd probably make a fool outta myself if I was alone for most of the day.

We started walking to our lockers, which were side by side, then started towards first period. The smell was amazing, till I looked over and saw Devin with that skank Alissa in his lap, they were sucking face till, Blake and Me walked in sitting down together in the back. I put my books and stuff down at the desk I got, pushed it over next to Blake's, walked towards Blake and sat in his lap.

Today was gonna be so much fun.


Picture of what I invision Devin looking like

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