Chapter 8

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Pic of what I see Blake looking like on the side


Devin's POV**

She snuggled into my side, falling asleep pretty quickly, I atleast thought we'd do a little 'Goodnight Devin, I love you' 'Goodnight Haley, I love you more' but NOPE, sleep was more important.

"Hmph.. Females."

"I heard that" she said, with sleep in her voice.

"Go back to sleep, you tired little monkey'

"Really? I'm a were and you call me a monkey? Is that the best you could come up with?"

"Yes, MY little monkey. Go to sleep."

"Yes Alpha... Gee males.."

"I heard that! And don't call me Alpha."

"Sir yes Sir"

"Shut up Haley! Before I shut you up myself"

"Oooo.... I'd like to see you try."

"Bed now."

"Night Devin"

"Goodnight my love."

God, I'm in love with the girl by my side. She has my heart in her hands. Why was I such an idiot to let her go when I found her? Nevermind thats the past, I have her now and I'm not letting go. Literally! Just like my luck would have it, my phone buzzed.

Amber's number popped up on the screen, ugh I don't want to answer this.


"Devy, how are you my love?"


"I'm lonely, come keep me company baby."


"Devy! For me? Come on, you didn't act like this Sunday."  I felt Haley shift beside me. Damn I hope she doesn't hear me.

"Sunday was Sunday. You didn't even help me. Amber you know I'm not onesided."

"Devy I'm so sorry, let me make it up to you. You're at your house right? On my way now."

"Amb-" Yes, that's all I got out before she hung up. She can go to my house, I'm not there anyway.


Haley's POV***

"Sunday was Sunday. You didn't even help me. Amber you know I'm not onesided."

I heard every word of his conversation with Amber. That slut, she had to always bark up the wrong tree, literally. Ever since I came back, she's been shoving Devin all in my face like I really care. Hell I'm HIS mate, not her. I hold his heart, NOT her.


She obviously hung up on him. Wait? Did he say something about Sunday, she didn't help, not onesided? No he didn't! I'm done, I'm so done! I thought I could change him, apparently not, he still whores around. Yeah? Well he isn't gonna play me.

"Get out." I whisper/yelled at him.


"Get. Out. Did I not make myself clear enough Devy?"

"Haley, what are you talking about?"


"You wouldn't"

"Try me" with that, I let out the loudest scream my lungs could come up with.



Aiden's POV****

"AIDEN!" I heard Haley scream.


I leaped out of my bed, flying across the room to the door. I flew down the hallway to her room, busting it open, to see Devin with his hands all over her mouth, telling her to shut up. One thing he needs to know, Haley isn't gonna shut up, and I am not pleased with his hands on my girl.

"Haley, Haley calm down. Stop screaming. Why do you want me to leave? What'd I do?" The fucker kept telling her.

He had to have down something pretty bad to make her scream like this. I rushed over to her side, slamming Devin off of her bed and out of my way.

"Haley? Baby? What's wrong?" I calmly spoke to her, trying to calm her down.

"Out! I want him out! Aiden get him out!" She whispered to me. I turned around facing a very pissed off Devin.

"Get out of my house Devin!"

"Step. Away. From. My. Mate." He made sure to emphasize every word clearly.

"Can't do that! She wants you out, I'll do anything to get you out."

"Shut the Fuck up Aiden! You don't care about her, you just want to get me out of the way so I don't run to my father telling him about your little pack.." He let the sentance hang.

"Little do you know, Boy! I'm madly in love with Haley, and nothing is changing that. She is my angel, and YOU sure as hell aren't changing that. Go ahead, run to daddy wolf, shows how much of a coward you really are. Haley doesn't need you and never will. If your father has a problem with me and my pack being here, we will leave. Haley will come with us."

I earned a growl with my words but it didn't come from Devin, it came from Blake.

"Haley has a voice Aiden! Let her talk. Let her say what pack she wants to belong to. You'll never mean as much as Devin does to her. You're not her mate, and never will be. The wolf spirits want her with Devin!" Blake told me from the door.

"Who's side are you on Blake? Mine or His?"

"Neither! I'm on Haley's side. Come her Haley, let the little boys talk, you need to sleep." He opened his arms for Haley to come. I tightened my hold on her. Her place is by my side, not by neither of the idiots in the room in front of me. I felt a sharp pain in my arm, looking down.

There was blood running down my arm. Haley bit me. She literally bit me. I looked back up, she was already walking towards Blake, he wrapped his arms around her, ushering her out of the room. Leaving just me and Devin.

Time to show this kid a lesson.


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