Chapter 19

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Haley's POV**

I got in the driver's seat of Devin's sleek black camaro with a red stripe down the middle, and he looked at me like I was completely stupid. He had on a black shirt, his hair was straight, faded skinnys, and white VANS. I shut the driver door and motioned for him to go to the other side or he wasn't going to school. I backed out of the garage, out of the driveway, and into the street. Blake and Ashtoyn took their bikes to school, while I got to arrive in a Camaro.

The drive to the school wasn't so far from Devin's house, nobody knew about our engagement but the pack members and remember the saying "News travels fast..." ...yeah well it did.

I got death glares from the bitch squad, I heard 'Hell ya's' from some guys, a few 'damn why him?'. But the whole time Devin stayed by my side, holding my hand. Blake came running threw the halls headed straight towards us.

"Don't take her to her locker." He looked directly at Devin as he spoke. They obviously mind linked because Devin shook in anger.


Devin's POV**

'Amber wrote all over her locker, her stench is everywhere. She mated with Eric Hale. Stuff like bitch, slut, pack wrecker, boyfriend stealer, whore are written all over. There's dead black roses laying on the ground too.' Blake thought to me as soon as he was in Haley's and my sight.

I shook with anger, how could that slut ever think of doing this to my mate? Eric Hale? Really? The pack outcast... I growled when I caught their scent close, then I heard it, the high pitched girl laugh that only belonged to Amber Colt. Haley moved in front of my placing her hands on my face so I could look at her. Her ring was showing to everyone that walked by, and I wasn't getting the 'congrats' vibe from many girls. My eyes went completely black and not even Haley could stop me when Amber decided to step in front of us with her slut smirk on her face.

"Hi there, Devin poo." She tongued out seductively. I heard Haley's wolf growl out in hatrid and my wolf was right their with hers.


"Like the new decor at the Adam's lockers." Haley let go of my face and spun around going in the direction of her brother's locker.

Amber took this oppurtunity to step in front of me and block my eye sight of my mate, and my wolf was about to tear her apart if I didn't regain control. She placed her hand on my shoulder, nudging me forward, then her lips placed down on mine and I let my wolf take full control.

I pushed back with all my strength, she hit the closet locker hard leaving a dent from her smelly ass, I quickly regained on her before she got her ground.

"I don't beat woman, I'm not going to beat you. I'll just send the toughest bitch out here to kick your ass for me, but if you ever do anything to my mate or her brother again I will personally kick your ass myself. Clear?" I had a grip on her shoulders so she couldn't move or look away.She slowly nodded.

"Good." I pushed her one more time before I backed off and went to look for my mate, her scent wasn't far off but it wasn't close either. I smelled her brother pretty clearly and he seemed near.

As I walked down the hallway trailing my mate I found exactly who I was going to look for next. Bethany.

"Oh Bethany, I have a job for you." I walked in her direction with her.

"Whats that Devin?"


"My pleasure."

"$100 bucks."

"$50 she's not worth 100."

She slapped my cheek playfully as she walked off in the direction where I left Amber. Now to find my girl.


Haley's POV***

My locker was absolutely ruined, my brother's was dented and holes were drilled in it but nothing painted on. I started walking for the woods, I needed air and the only way I knew I was going to get it was in wolf form.I ran out of the school building, heading straight for the tree line. I striped out of my clothes behind a tree and shifted into my white wolf and bolted away from my surrounding area.

I heard foot falls from Devin's wolf behind me a few feet away from where I took off. I looked behind me to see him gaining quickly, I cut a corner and bolted in the other direction throwing him off completely.

I saw a large tree stump falling on the ground and I prepared myself to jump, I hunched down and sprung up on my hind legs. I flew threw the air, but soon hit the ground with another wolf on top of me.

'Really?' I thought to Devin.

'What I just can't get enough of you.'

'Yeah yeah, off now.'

'I like this.'



He stepped off of me, but immediatly turned around to instantly smell my body... Which defiantly freaked me out some.


'You smell so good.'


'Like apples and cinnamon.'

'Because thats just so normal.'

'Get on the ground.'

I lowered my body down to the ground a few feet so I was almost laying down.


I laid down on the grassy floor only for Devin to climb on top of me, and I flew off the ground rather quickly and spun around snarling and growling.

Devin pawed the ground, snapping his jaws and slobbering all over the ground. His wolf has taken full control.

I let my wolf take over, telling her not yet do I mate in wolf. She obeyed me.

Devin rolled back his lips, exposing his sharp teeth. He was pissed. I was screwed.

He charged me, and had me pinned down on my stomach in a matter of seconds, biting my neck so I couldn't move even if I wanted to. I howled, cried, whimpered, barked anything I could do to make him understand he was hurting me and he didn't listen.

I felt his growing erection on the pelt of my tail, and I knew he was forcing me to do what I didn't want to do. I became very irritated and pissed in a matter of seconds. Then out of nowhere a giant black wolf flies threw the air, knocking Devin off of me. Blake, Ashtoyn, and Jackson were all here in wolf form and they looked ready to kill.

I stayed on the ground because if there's two things I know are true then I should stay here.

1. Never get between testosterone filled little boys.

2. We're so skipping school again today.

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Where stories live. Discover now