Chapter 30

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Pic Sarah's dress>>>>>>>>>>>>>.


Devin's POV**

We landed in Vegas a couple hours after the halfway mark, I texted Haley that we got here but she hasn't text back so I'm pretty sure she's out with the girls having fun, I just hope she doesn't like go to a male stripper place or have sex with anyone except me, I'd be able to feel it and I haven't yet, but theres always that little bit of worry since I do know Haley and I know she's always up for trying something new.

We loaded into a XL Escalade that was waiting for us once we exited the airport, Bobby is in charge of everything that happens including the schedule, his lovely mate put him up to that one since she's in charge of Haley's party.

We'll both be spending 3 days at our locations before the wedding that my parents and some of my aunts and uncles are taking care of, the only part of Haley's family that she wanted there was her brother Jackson, he is apart of my Grooms-men so he has to be there or Haley will skin him alive.

I lost track of where we were with all my zoning out, Blake kept flicking me in the head for a little while before he gave up and let me zone, my mind kept traveling to the wedding, Haley, being so far away from her was killing me and my wolf.

My wolf kept trying to tell me something but I wasn't paying attention because I'm pretty sure he'd ruin everything, he kept scratching at me and biting to be let out, but we're too close to normal humans to be let out, I'm pretty sure my eyes were turning black when we pulled up to the hotel. I pushed him back before hoping out of the Escalade, grabbing my things and heading upstairs with the rest of the guys.


I felt my phone vibrate after I got settled in the room, Blake and me are sharing a room, while the other guys share rooms.

< Haley is asleep, we went partying and she got a little drunk with salt but everythings good and she's sleeping it off. Tell Bobby to call me. *Elana* >

My wolf became resless as there was a knock on the door, I opened it and my eyes widened. A girl wearing a small black dress pushing a cart full of beer, snacks, shots, etc. was staring back at me with the same shock.



"What are you doing here?"

"Party with the guys."

"Wow. Umm.. I'm the refreshments girl..."

"Uh-huh, umm let me get Bobby."

I pushed myself out of the room and squeezed by her to get to Bobby's room, if Sarah is the refreshments girl... we need a new one, and like ASAP.

Sarah is a she-wolf I used to date, we thought we were mates because of the love we shared but then Haley pronounced she was my mate and I never believed Sarah anymore but we stayed together. Sarah is a weakness, Haley doesn't know I have.

I pounded on Bobby's hotel room door breathing very hard because Sarah was staring at my neck a little to much for my liking. Bobby opened the door and I pushed him inside leaving Sarah out in the hallway.

"Dude? Whats up with you?"

'The Refreshments girl is and old girlfriend of mine before Haley, she's like a major problem if I'm gonna be here.'


'We used to think we were mates then Haley found me but I stayed with Sarah before I dumped her blaming it on long-distance since she moved here.'

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