Chapter 23

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Pic of Brooke to the side


Devin's POV**

I ran down the stairs to Haley's lifeless form at the bottom. I heard Blake give me a warning growl but I ignored him. The only thing that was important to me right now was Haley; my mate, my life, my soul. If anything happened to her I'm pretty sure I'd crumble to nothing...Possibly die.

My dad ran around the corner sensing my mood that was vibrating off my body. He jumped over the guard rail landing 2 flights of stairs down on the floor. He picked Haley up from out of my reach and began taking her to the pack hospital. I was stuck looking at Haley's blood that was left in a huge puddle on the ground. I can't believe this is happening. This is just a bad dream, this isn't happening. It can't be.

"Dude we have to go to the pack hospital, see if she's OK." Blake and Ashtoyn were at my side trying to get me to move. I growled when I felt Blake's hand on my shoulder. He backed up with his hands in the air for surrender.

"Fine, if you don't care to see if the girl of your life is OK, you stay here. I'm going to my best friend." Blake and Ashtoyn walked away from my lifeless form grabbing his motorcycle keys.


Blake's POV**

I sped to the hospital that was a couple miles away from Devin's house. Ashtoyn was close behind me on his bike. I saw Mr. Alexander's car parked in the front of the hospital with him grabbing Haley from the backseat of his car. I screeched to a halt right behind his SUV, running into the hospital behind him. I can't believe Devin isn't here.

I made it into the ER as they were putting Haley on a bed wheeling her back through the giant doors that said ICU. They wouldn't let Mr. Alexander back with her so I doubted they'd let me but I was going to try anyway. I ran for her. I burst through the doors headed right for her before the male nurses grabbed ahold of me.

"Sir you can't be back here." They kept saying over and over again. I felt my wolf stir in my body at these mere pack wolves trying to stop me. My eyes flashed amber at them making them back off from me.

"I sure as hell can be back here." I growled out before Mr. Alexander walked pretty calmly through the doors grabbing my shoulders pulling me back out the door. I growled and tried shuffling myself out of his hold but there was no use, I wan't going anywhere near Haley until I could.

"Blake I know she's your friend and you're only concerned for her, I know because she's my daughter-in-law. I'm concerned for her too. But you have to step into Devin's shoes, his mate is unconscious. Let the doctors look her over before you go tearing the hospital apart." My eyes were still amber at this point because in all honesty I didn't give a fuck what Devin was feeling he deserved it. I pulled away from the Alpha's grip with a loud roar making the windows vibrate. Mr. Alexander stepped back some as I made myself recognizable, I let my rank show. I'm a beta...

*2 1/2 hours later*

I was pacing in the room that was assigned for Haley. It's been forever since we brought her here. The nurses won't tell us anything and it was pissing me off pretty quickly. The door opened as I was about to blow a cork. It was Devin. His eyes were bloodshot and red from crying, he still had tears coming from his eyes and in all honestly he looked like hell. I smirked at the thought of him feeling like shit the way I did. His dad pushed beside me making me growl. Devin's head shot up with shock.

"Yeah Alexander! I'm Beta now." I spat out with disgust as I saw his face ripple from his wolf. He stalked over to the window seat and sat down with his head on the window. I sat down on the other side of the room as far away as I could get. Ashtoyn brought me something to drink from the hospital kitchen a few minutes ago but I didn't have the feeling to drink or eat at this point.

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