Chapter 5

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PIc of what I think Jackson looks like


I trotted off towards the woods, enjoying the breeze run threw my white fur, there was a snap off in the distance that startled me. I snapped my head in the direction the noise came from, sniffing the air for any new scent, I smelled a musky lemon scent and instantly knew it was my brother, my twin brother Jackson. He apparently had no idea who I was, I didn't even know I was in Devin's territory. A growl tore me from my thoughts.

I cocked my head to the side and mentally busted up laughing. I bounded up and down, wagging my tail, playfully barking. Jackson cocked his head to the side obviously having no idea who I was. His curiosity didn't last long because he pounced on top of me snapping his jaws at my neck. I bucked him off of me throwing him against a tree, I couldn't believe my own twin brother didn't recognize my scent, I smelled exactly like him, minus the musky scent. I smelled lemony with a hint of jasmine. I jumped back up to my feet, snarling and showing my teeth, I stomped the ground, tearing fresh dirt from the earth. He whimpered running off behind a tree and re-appearing in human form.

"Shift!" he practically yelled at me.

I shifted back right in front of him. What? He's my brother I don't care. He stepped back some, looking me over. Yeah, I was naked but it didn't bother me. I shifted back into my wolf so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable.


I growled when he said joining the pack and telling my exes. He looked at me funny. He apparently mind linked with the exes, cause Devin, Devin's dad, and my ex dad appeared from the brush. On instinct I bowed my head and placed my head on my paws when I saw Devin. He padded over to me, licking my neck, nibbling every so often. I whimpered when he moved to my back, pushing me with his nose. I felt horrible, I didn't want him to know I was the white wolf, but he knows now. I jumped up when the ex stalks over to me, I braced myself and showed my teeth. I was in no mood to take any of his shit.

Devin pushed me away from the others, motioning me to move away from them. His dad tried to stop him but he growled and kept moving me. Once we were out of sight, he bounded up and down motioning me to play with him. I cocked my head to the side, plopping my body down on the ground with a loud "oof" from my wolf. He quieted down and walked over to me, laying down by my side, resting his head on my back. He licked my neck again, before gently biting the scruff of my neck. I whimpered feeling his teeth on my fur, I jumped up, taking off back towards the house, I could hear him behind me, so I pushed my feet to run faster. I made it to the house, pushing the door open, and padding upstairs to my room, slamming the door and shifting to myself again. I jogged over to the bathroom to clean myself, when I walked out Devin was patiently sitting on my bed.

His head pops up immediately, sniffing the air. A pain rose in my stomach, I doubled over moaning in pain. I felt two powerful strong arms wrap around my sides, I was in too much pain to fight back, so I let him help me to my bed. He sat me up agaisnt the head board, sat beside me pulling me into him. I rested my head on his chest, loving the feeling that was going through my body, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, with his other arm over my front. I breathed in his smell, Oranges and brown sugar. God he smelled so good. He started rubbing my stomach with his hand, the pain in my stomach stopped, I closed my eyes, feeling his hand on me made me feel so horny. What? No No No this can't happen, I won't let this happen. Obviously he felt me tense, because he pulled me into him more, growling "Mine!"

His hand never stopped rubbing my stomach, the pain pretty much had left my body, what was going on? Why did I hurt so much?


"Yes baby girl?"

"What's wrong with me?"

He chuckled "Baby girl, you went into heat, you walked out of the bathroom, I thought I wouldn't be able to contol myself, then you fell over in pain, making you feel better was all on my mind. I didn't know what to do, but my hands just fell on your stomach and started rubbing, you relaxed for a split second then tensed again. My wolf got irritated when you did, so 'mine' came out before I could stop it. I'm sorry baby girl!"

"Devin it's ok, I don't hurt anymore, you can stop."

He pulled his hand from my stomach, but remained by my side. He started brushing some of my hair from my face. I loved the feel of his hand on my face, I felt myseld leaning into his hand. With my eyes closed, I could still tell he had a toothy grin on his face.

"Devin, we can't do this. You don't want me, I'm not the one for you."

"NO, don't say that Haley! I'm yours as you are mine. Baby girl I know I said I didn't want you, but when we found out we were mates, the way you looked at me, with such a hurtful expression on your face, like me being your mate wasn't what you wanted. You looked at me with such hate, I knew if I told you we were mates, you would reject me. So I just told you I didn't want you. I was scared Haley! Watching you walk away from me, crushed everything inside me, my wolf hated me for what I told you. Haley pleas-" he stopped before he finished his talk. He looked at me with such love before he crashed his lips to mine, kissing me with such passion, he nibbled on my bottom lip for entrance which I DID NOT give him, I wasn't ready to let him in my like, he needed to prove himself first, he needed to show me he wan- he needed me. He grabbed my ass, pulling me towards him, earning a moan from me, he shoved his tongue inside my mouth before I could stop him. God the explosion of pleasure going through my body was amazing, I didn't want him to stop, I couldn't let him stop. Then reality hit me.

"Haley I don't want you! Who could want a pathetic thing like you?"

I shoved back pushing him off of me.

The door flew open and Aiden walked in with a pissed off look on his face. If looks could kill ME AND DEVIN would be 10 ft under.


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Should Haley let Devin into her life?

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