Chapter 24

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Haley's POV**

"He's amazing, Brooke! I can never picture myself without him. When I do it just feels like I'm having my heart ripped out. I know it's the whole mating bond and stuff my I think even if we weren't wolves that we'd share the same feelings. He's absolutely perfect in every way. I.Love.Him." I went on and on about Devin to my sister for hours. She kept that giddy smile on her face the whole time.

"You remind me of me when I was with Chad. How is he by the way?" Her face faltered a little when she mentioned Chad. I could see her eyes glistening from the un-shed tears.

"Honestly Brooke I don't know how he is. I haven't seen him since the accident. I think somebody told me he moved with his family but I can't be for sure positive." Silent slow tears began to flood her eyes. I pulled her into my arms for comfort because unlike anyone else I knew what she was going through.


Devin's POV**

Its the night of the full moon and my father told me I should leave Haley's side just in case my wolf tries to make an appearance. I had full faith in myself that I could stay in control so I ignored my father's wishes. Blake is staying with me every night since he practically has nothing better to do. Ashtoyn comes for a little while but he's really down in the dirt right now since Haley is still in her coma. She hasn't moved since ever and her heart monitor never changes beat or fluctuates. The doctors and nurses say its completely normal for coma patients.

"Dude your eyes are amber." Blake spoke for probably the first time tonight from the other side of the room by the window. I blinked a couple times but the change never happened. I felt my gums begin to throb as my canines elongated. My nails grew into claws.

I felt strong arms wrap around me pulling me away from Haley. The further I got from her bed the more pissed I became. I released a very low warning growl at the person that was restraining me from my mate.

"Devin, I know she's your mate and all but you can't be here when you shift. You'll hurt somebody." His hold tightened around me and thats when I lost all total control of everything. I roared out of his arms making his body fly backwards hitting a wall. He regained his ground pretty quickly by the time I made it over to Haley's side. I put my face in her neck so I could take in her beautiful smell when Blake latched onto my sides pulling me back towards the door. I went to grab for Haley again, but my claw met her face leaving a very long open wound. My heart sank when I saw her eyes shot open for only a brief moment before the pivited over to me.


Just like they opened the quickly closed and the heart monitor flat lined.

"You son of a bitch." Was all I heard right before my dad walked into the room with a dose of something in his hand. I felt a sharp pain in the side of my arm so I looked down to see a needle and syringe poking out of me.

"What the he-" Was all I got out before everything went black.


Haley's POV**

I continued rocking Brooke in my arms as she wept for her beloved Chad. I rubbed circle on her back while she leaned into me releasing all the tears she's held back for so long.

"Brooke I'm pretty su-" Was all I began to speak right before everything became light headed and dizzy and a sharp pain was across my face. I touched my cheek to reveal blood covering my fingers. I was bleeding?

I heart camotion come from a few feet away from me. My eyes felt heavy and tired when I wanted to open them but I couldn't. My eyes wouldn't funtion. I kept trying to open when I was met with success. I opened my eyes just enough to glance over to my left to see Devin being held by Blake.

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