Chapter 13

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Blake on the side


Devin's POV***

Haley and Me made out on the forest floor for what seamed like forever, we eventually fell asleep together wrapped up in a human/wolf pretzel. We didn't do anything but man was is it killing me, when she's naked as a jay bird under me, grinding against me, kissing me hard. Damn.. Who wouldn't? Sensing me awake, she stirred in her sleep bit didn't wake up. Hmmm... I don't want to bother her but the sun is setting. I pecked her on the lips slowly but letting the kiss linger on her lips long.

"Haley baby, wake up." I whispered in her ear soft and slow, nibbling on her neck.


"Hmm.?" I kept playing on her neck, rubbing my hands up her sides. I don't care if my wolf takes over, it'd be worth it and I don't really think I can resist pure beauty anymore.

"Stop please..." She moaned when I started sucking on her sweet spot just below her ear where her neck meets her shoulder. I continued rubbing her sides, lingering on her sexy as hell curves.

"Do you want that?" She started shaking her head no then quickly nodded her head up and down. Damn. I got off the top of her, walking away to shift.

"Devin?" She called my name from behind me, my body immediately warmed up as I shifted in front of her. She huffed and tried to communicate with me through thoughts but I had my mind block up so nobody could get to me. Her eyes started to glisten with tears but I couldn't show any emotion for her because I was pissed, she stopped my moment. She got up shifting to her wolf, taking off before I could blink an eye. I watched her as she took off threw the woods, I couldn't find it in me to fun after her, my wolf was yelling at me trying to get me to move but no I didn't, I watched as she ran away from me.


Haley's POV***

I can't believe he blocked me out of his head, he never does that. I took of running away from him, I needed my time alone to think. I know he wants to complete the mating but I don't, I'm not ready at all. Honestly, it scares the hell out of me. What if he mates with me then leaves? What if he realizes he doesn't want me? What if he regrets ever meeting me? What if... What if... That's all I could think about, he didn't even chase after me.

'Hale?' Blake thought to me, hell he probably felt my feelings. Blake is weird that way, we're not mates but he understands when I'm hurt and in pain without being near me at all.

'Meet me in Devin's back yard, I need to get out of here. Don't tell Aiden or anybody.' I thought back to him after a while of yelling at my wolf to shut up. She's so annoying now that Devin got all close to me, then ripped my heart of my soul.

'On my way now.'

I quickly put my mind block up so nobody could communicate with me, I saw Blake from a distance come out of Devin's back door stuffing some clothes in a bag, striping putting his clothes in the bag and tying it around his neck and shifting. I grunted so he knew where I was, he trotted over to me quickly licking my face with his wolfy tongue. He tried playing with me but I was too emotionally damaged to play right now. All I could think about was getting the hell away from Devin's land.

'Hale? Wanna tell me what's going on?' Blake thought to me after he realized I wasn't gonna play back with him.

'Devin. Will you run away with me, or do you wanna stay?' I thought to him, he stepped back some but quickly stood up nodding his head for me to go. I took of threw the woods at a slow but fast run, Blake followed me by my side, we did play while we ran a little bit. Aiden kept pressing at my mind walls, I'm pretty sure he was doing the same to Blake. I saw a lake and immediately jumped in to cover my scent, Blake followed. We rolled around in the water, barking quietly, jumping on top of each other, splashing each other. We took of threw the woods again, running really fast to get out of Alpha Alexander's land and away from Devin.

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