Chapter 9

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Haley's POV**

I woke up the next day. Not in my bed, not in Aiden's bed, I am in Blake's bed. What the hell happened last night?

Just like that all the memories of last night came flooding back into my head. Devin slept with Amber on Sunday, I screamed for Aiden, Blake came to my rescue.

Blake is my brother, the one and only. He may be my best friend but to me he will always be the brother I never had. He takes care of me in ways my family wouldn't. I love him, wherever I go he goes, and wherever he goes I go. I can't live without him. I choose not to live without him either.

Yeah I can stand my own ground if need be, but I like Blake's company, we've been together since the beginning, even when he finds his mate, she's gonna have to respect the fact, we're a package deal. She gets him but I'm the side item in their happy meal. If I ever get with Devin too, he's gonna have to respect Blake is the side item to whatever  Devin and me have, if anything happens to me and it's Devin's fault, I don't think Blake could hold back from killing him. I would let him too!

"Hey HaleyBoo." Blake's voice sounded close.

"I told you I didn't like that nickname."

"Grumpy Paws this morning?"



"I know right. I'm hilarious."

"Comedian Worthy."

"Can't make a living off of that salery."

"You could damn well try."


"Come on Hale, we'd get to travel to different places, always on the go."

"Devin would find us..."


"My comedian career would be over. He wants a stay at home Luna."


"OK Blakey. Wanna go for a run?"

"Sure. Thanks for thinking I'm body guard material."

"Welcome, hey maybe we could invite Liam? I haven't seen him in forever, skipping school Isn't the best of ideas."

"Call him."


Blake and Me always had these random conversations, that lasted forever, there was no awkwardness about it. I reached for my phone on the nightstand table only to realize it's in my room. I got outta bed, making my way down the hall to my domain. I peeped in threw the door, the whole room was just the way I left it, not a thing out of place. I collected my phone, making my way back to Blakey.




"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

"No, you're just kinda interrupting something."


"Nothing, what do you want Hale?"

I could hear a guy in the background, telling Liam to come back to bed..

"Wondering if you and Jock would like to come for a run with Blake and me?"

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