Chapter 16

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Devin's POV***

It seemed like hours before Haley came back to our room. She had the look of pure sadness on her face, which made me run to her for comfort. I wrapped my arms around her holding her as close as I could, she held on to me too before the tears in her eyes were just to hard to handle. I rubbed her back picking her up and carrying her over to the bed, I laid her down gently and went to cover her back up when she whimpered with her arms out for me to lay down with her.

I pulled my shirt off and gently laid down next to her cold body, I pulled her to my chest so I could rub her smooth belly.

I literally cannot wait till she's swollen with my pup inside of her, I'd like a boy but whatever my baby gives me I'll be so happy and proud of her.

Her breathing has become labored and shallow so I'm pretty sure she was asleep now. I continued to rub her belly untill I fell asleep to. We've been falling asleep alot lately. We don't even go to school anymore, which I am not proud of. But my parents said they'll just homeschool us untill we go back. The principal is one of my mom's friends and also apart of our pack so she understand what we're going threw.


Haley's POV**


"How could you do this to your pack? You mated with another." Aiden whisper yelled to me from across the room, everytime I tried to walk towards him he'd walk away or tell me to stop.

"Aiden, you're not my mate. You knew it was bound to happen sometime soon. My wolf took over my body and she acted on instict for her mate." I tried to reason with him the best I could but he just wasn't listening. He kept shaking his head no.

There was a long moment of awkward silence before Aiden spoke again.

"I hear by band you from my pack, we'll be off of Devin's land by tonight. You are no longer one of us Haley Adams." He spat out to me. I felt like my world had just ended. I didn't belong to a pack anymore, Aiden thinks I'm a slut.

I turned around as the tears threatened to invade my eyes as I walked out of the room into Devin's arms.

*End of Flashback*

I rolled around to face Devin once I woke back up, he looked so peaceful in his sleep, like the world stopped just for him to rest. His eyes fluttered around from the dream he was having. He began stroking my hair while he was asleep, I leaned into his hand when his eyes jerked open. He smiled his to-die-for smile. He kept stroking my hair.

"What happened, baby?" He was obviously picking up on my emotions and my mood since the bond is complete.

"Aiden kicked me out of the pack... They're all leaving tonight." Devin had the look of pure anger on his face, his eyes were completly black at this point and he was shaking.

I grabbed his chin so he'd look up to me and regain control over his wolf. His eyes were back to bright blue with specks of black in them, telling me he hadn't gotten full control yet. He blinked a few times but they never changed. I rubbed his cheek with my palm, he leaned into my hand with his eyes closed.

"We'll have a pack meeting tonight, whoever doesn't go with Aiden can join our pack as I take my Alpha position. You and whoever else will join the pack. When I take my place as Alpha I'll need my Luna, I'll need you Haley. The pack will need you." He told me with his eyes still closed but his head was lifted in my direction.

I felt the all to familiar sting of tears in the back of my eyes as Devin opened his eyes to show the brilliant bright blue they always are. No sign of black. I blinked back a couple tears but it was no use the dam in my eyes had broken.

"Why are you crying?" He had the serial killer tone in his voice which scared me a little cause he cocked his head to the side, I tried not to laugh at him but I failed miserably.

"Y y.. you! I feel like you belong in one of those movies, where the girl gets kidnapped by the serial killer/rapist with two personalities and the girl starts crying in a room where the guy locked her up then the taunting voice of the serial killer/rapist comes over the intercom like "Why are you crying?" as he cocks his head to the side." The smile on Devin's face made me happy. I'll be the Luna to Devin's pack tonight.


Blake, Ashtoyn, Elana, and Trevor stayed when Aiden left. He mainly took all the girls that hadn't found their mates which along those lines were; Celest, Amanda, Jessie, Asher, Victoria, and Tyler.

Tonight is the pack meeting. I would become Luna of


Short story, I'm sorry. I'll try to update again soon.

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