Chapter 20

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Haley's POV**

I laid down casually on the ground with my head on my paws a few feet away from the guys stare down. Jackson was pacing in front of me with his teeth bared, if Devin got too close Blake and Ashtoyn would growl menacingly. I rolled my eyes at the testosterone filled air, this was just too dramatic, I could've handle him myself.

I raised up from the ground when my wolf told me Devin was back in control, I walked right between him and Blake, walking off towards the little warm lake a few feet from us. My wolf took a deep breath and released it slowly as we submerged ourselves in the warm lake water, I felt a few fish swim around under my feet but nothing to worry about. I walked all the way across the water and onto a shallow rock that I could lay on and still be in the water.

I watched Devin as he walked into the water and paddled his way over to me, he took the stupid way though, his nose was the only thing I could see from where I was but my wolf let me know he was ok. He stepped up onto the rock, his black body know soaked with water. He nudged my side with his nose as he climbed over the top of me to lay down on the other side.

'Devin?' I mind linked with him privately.


'Do you really want to mate that bad in wolf form?'

'My wolf does. He doesn't like sharing you.'

'Ha. My wolf is perfectly fine.'

'No she isn't.' His wolf was talking now. My wolf growled in annoyance with her mate, and my eyes flashed amber.

'I am perfectly fine Demon, I'm not a skank like most female wolves you get.'

'None were as good as you though, Angel.' It was a little weird that our wolves were calling each other by name at this point, I regained control over Angel and jumped into the water, splashing Devin in the face.

I caught a few fish in my mouth, but didn't eat them, I'm not a big fan of sushi. Devin stayed on the rock just watching me play around in the water, occasionally he would join for a couple minutes but he'd always go back to the rock and lay down.

I climbed out of the water on the other side and began to shake my coat from the water, when a scent caught my nose, and it wasn't a nice scent either. I looked to my left to see a big dark brown wolf stalking over to where I was now standing. Devin rose up from the rock, the hairs standing up on the back of his neck.

'Your mate threatened mine. Now it's time to get what he deserves.' The brown wolf thought to me, growling and snarling.

My lips were rolled back exposing my teeth as I growled back at the wolf I didn't know, but could tell he was in my pack. Devin wasn't taking to kindly with the threat that I was just told, because he jumped threw the water to stand in front of me. His head was hunched over, his eyes were jet black, his wolf was in full control of whatever was gonna happen.

'Stand down.' Devin thought to the soon to be dead wolf.

'You threaten Amber, I threaten Haley.'

'Eric stand down.'

Devin didn't even give him time to rethink his plan, he lunged taking a giant bite at Eric's neck but missing, giving Eric the chance to bite down on Devin. My wolf took over and joined in on helping her mate. I grabbed a hold of Eric's neck in my mouth, and flung him across the field away from Devin. Devin jumped to his feet, licking my snout from Eric's blood.

We looked back up from our little make out session to see Eric was no longer where we left him, and he was totally gone. I couldn't smell his scent close, so I knew we were ok now.

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